Monday, December 02, 2024

In the Cloud Performance is Instrumented as Cost - A Resource Plan for PeopleSoft

In the cloud, either you are spending too much money on too much CPU, or your system is constrained by CPU at peak times.  You can have as much performance as you are willing to pay for. 

This presentation (from the UKOUG 2024 conference) is the story of how one PeopleSoft customer improved performance and reduced cloud subscription costs, by clearly stating their performance goals, and creating a matching resource manager plan.

Effective use of machine resources has always been a challenge for PeopleSoft systems.  As systems move to the cloud that is in ever sharper focus.  In the cloud, you mostly pay for CPU.  You can generally have as much performance as you are willing to pay for, but every architectural decision you make has an immediate cost consequence. That drives out different behaviours. 

In the cloud, you rent hardware as an operational expense, rather than purchasing it as a capital expense.  If you are not short of CPU, you are probably spending too much. If you are short of CPU, then you need to the Oracle database's Resource Manager to manage what happens.

This presentation looks at how that played out at one PeopleSoft customer, who moved their GL reporting batch on Financials onto Exadata Cloud-at-Customer. The single most important thing they did was to clearly state their goals. That set the ground rules for sizing and configuring both their database and their application, implementing various database features, including defining a resource manager plan, as well as using partitioning, materialized views, compression, and in-memory. 

They have continued to improve performance and save money on their cloud costs.  They were recently able to switch off another CPU. 

The session also describes a generic resource plan that can be used as a starting point for any PeopleSoft system to which individual requirements can be added.

Finally, there are some ideas for prioritising Tuxedo server processes on Linux.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

PeopleSoft PS/Query: Finding Users' Cartesian Joins

Many PeopleSoft users like its ad hoc query tool because they can write their own queries directly on the system, without having to learn to write structured query language (SQL), or getting a developer to write it for them.   

What is the Problem?

It is easy for users to create poor queries, that either don't work as intended or can run for long periods, even indefinitely, consuming resources without ever producing results.  This can consume significant amounts of CPU, and in the cloud, that is mostly what you pay for!  The effect can be mitigated with the database's resource manager, but it is better not to do it in the first place.

One cause of long-running queries that I come across is missing join criteria leading the database to perform Cartesian Merge Joins.  I should stress that not all Cartesian joins are evil.  For example, in some data warehouse queries (e.g. GL nVision reporting), it can be a very effective strategy to Cartesian join dimension tables before visiting the fact table, especially if you can use Bloom filter a full scan on the fact table.  It works well with parallel query, and on engineered systems this can also be pushed down to the storage cells.

Finding Execution Plans with Cartesian Joins

The following query profiles database time by execution plan from ASH for SQL statements from PS/Queries run via the PSQUERY application engine program on a process scheduler.  It returns the longest-running statement for each execution plan.

The data is generated and processed through several common table expressions.

  • R returns the PSQUERY processes that ran in the time window of interest
  • P returns the execution plans captured by AWR that generate Cartesian products for which the SQL text is also captured.  
  • X returns the ASH data for Cartesian join executions. When P is joined with the ASH data, then we just get the queries that performed Cartesian joins.
  • Y sums and groups the ASH data by statement and process
  • Z sums the data by execution plan and identifies the longest-running SQL statement for that plan.

REM qry_cartesianplans.sql
WITH r as ( /*processes of interest*/
SELECT /*+MATERIALIZE*/ r.oprid, r.prcsinstance, r.prcsname, r.begindttm, r.enddttm
,      DECODE(c.private_query_flag,'Y','Private','N','Public') private_query_flag, c.qryname
FROM   psprcsrqst r
       LEFT OUTER JOIN ps_query_run_cntrl c ON c.oprid = r.oprid AND c.run_cntl_id = r.runcntlid
WHERE prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
AND r.begindttm >= trunc(SYSDATE)-0+8/24
AND r.begindttm <= trunc(SYSDATE)-0+19/24
), p as ( /*known Cartesian plans with SQL text*/
SELECT /*+MATERIALIZE*/ p.plan_hash_value, MAX(p.options) options
FROM   dbA_hist_sql_plan p
,      dba_hist_sqltext t
WHERE  t.sql_id = p.sql_id
AND    ( = 0 OR p.options = 'CARTESIAN')
GROUP BY p.plan_hash_Value
), x AS ( /*ASH for processes*/
SELECT /*+materialize leading(r x)*/  r.prcsinstance, r.oprid, r.private_query_flag, r.qryname
,      h.event, x.dbid, h.sample_id, h.sample_time, h.instance_number
,      CASE WHEN h.module IS NULL       THEN REGEXP_SUBSTR(h.program, '[^@]+',1,1)
            WHEN h.module LIKE 'PSAE.%' THEN REGEXP_SUBSTR(h.module, '[^.]+',1,2) 
            ELSE                             REGEXP_SUBSTR(h.module, '[^.@]+',1,1) 
       END AS module
,      h.action
,      NULLIF(h.top_level_sql_id, h.sql_id) top_level_sql_id
,      h.sql_id, h.sql_plan_hash_value, h.force_matching_signature, h.sql_exec_id
,      h.session_id, h.session_serial#, h.qc_instance_id, h.qc_Session_id, h.qc_Session_serial#
,, p.options
,      NVL(usecs_per_row,1e7) usecs_per_row
,      CASE WHEN p.plan_hash_value IS NOT NULL THEN NVL(usecs_per_row,1e7) ELSE 0 END usecs_per_row2
FROM   dba_hist_snapshot x
,      dba_hist_active_sess_history h
       LEFT OUTER JOIN p ON p.plan_hash_value = h.sql_plan_hash_value
       LEFT OUTER JOIN dba_sql_profiles f ON h.force_matching_signature = f.signature
,      r
,      sysadm.psprcsque q
WHERE  h.SNAP_id = X.SNAP_id
AND    h.dbid = x.dbid
AND    h.instance_number = x.instance_number
AND    x.end_interval_time >= r.begindttm
AND    x.begin_interval_time <= NVL(r.enddttm,SYSDATE)
AND    h.sample_time BETWEEN r.begindttm AND NVL(r.enddttm,SYSDATE)
AND    q.prcsinstance = r.prcsinstance
AND    (  (h.module = r.prcsname AND h.action like 'PI='||r.prcsinstance||':Processing')
       OR  h.module like 'PSAE.'||r.prcsname||'.'||q.sessionidnum)
), y as( /*profile time by statement/process*/
SELECT prcsinstance, oprid, private_query_flag, qryname, sql_plan_hash_value, sql_id, force_matching_signature, name
,      dbid, module, action, top_level_sql_id
,      count(distinct qc_session_id||qc_session_serial#||sql_id||sql_exec_id) execs
,      sum(usecs_per_row)/1e6 ash_Secs
,      sum(usecs_per_Row2)/1e6 awr_secs
,      avg(usecs_per_row)/1e6*count(distinct sample_time) elapsed_secs
,      count(distinct instance_number||session_id||session_serial#) num_procs
,      max(options) options
FROM   x 
GROUP BY prcsinstance, oprid, private_query_flag, qryname, sql_plan_hash_value, sql_id, force_matching_signature, name
,      dbid, module, action, top_level_sql_id, qc_instance_id, qc_session_id, qc_session_serial#
), z as ( /*find top statement per plan and sum across all executions*/
SELECT row_number() over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value order by awr_secs desc) plan_seq
,      prcsinstance, oprid, name, private_query_flag, NVL(qryname,action) qryname, options
,      sql_id, sql_plan_hash_Value, force_matching_signature
,      count(distinct sql_id) over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value) sql_ids
,      sum(execs) over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value) plan_execs
,      sum(ash_Secs) over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value) plan_ash_secs
,      sum(awr_Secs) over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value) plan_awr_secs
,      sum(elapsed_Secs) over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value) elap_secs
,      sum(num_procs) over (partition by force_matching_signature, sql_plan_hash_value) max_procs
FROM   y
Select z.*, z.plan_ash_secs/z.elap_secs eff_para
from   z
where  plan_seq = 1
and    sql_id is not null
and    plan_ash_secs >= 300
ORDER BY plan_ash_secs DESC
There are two SQL statements for the same private query. XXX_GL_BJU run by user BXXXXXX that exhibited a Cartesian join.

Plan    Plan
     Process                                          Private                                                           SQL Plan        Force Matching  SQL   Plan     ASH     AWR Elapsed  Max  Eff.
 #  Instance OPRID     NAME                           Query   QRYNAME                        OPTIONS   SQL_ID         Hash Value             Signature  IDs  Execs    Secs    Secs Seconds  Prc  Para
-- --------- --------- ------------------------------ ------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------- ----------- --------------------- ---- ------ ------- ------- ------- ---- -----
 1  12344342 NXXXXXX                                  Public  XXX_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_XXX_V2           c4zfcub2bnju8  2128864041   4468535744829993986    4      4  103473  103473  103473    4   1.0
 1  12344471 FXXXXXX                                  Public  XXXAM_FIN_GL_AP                          d8jnxzmgx20mq  4189069557  16033793374717384734    1      1   32599   32599   32599    1   1.0
 1  12344448 VXXXXXX                                  Private XXX1_LEDGERBAL1_UPRDAC_XXXX1             ftn7nz1xafh5z           0  15193759933860031914    2      2   20615   20615   20615    2   1.0
 1  12345574 BXXXXXX                                  Private XXX_GL_BJU                     CARTESIAN ab2v91h9zj3hv   603930234   4189289347608449750    1      1   16862   16862   16862    1   1.0
 1  12345681 BXXXXXX                                  Private XXX_GL_BJU                     CARTESIAN 05tphb379fu8j   603930234   6203431496815450503    1      1   15452   15452   15452    1   1.0
 1  12345852 WXXXXXX                                  Public  XXXINSOLVENTS_JRNL_DETAIL                51aw4ahxba0gq  3918624993  11145663850623390044    1      1   13435   13435   13435    1   1.0
 1  12345863 CXXXXXX                                  Public  XXX_COMMUTATIONS_JRNL_DTL                7q9kt75bh35dg           0  11985643849566057390    1      1   13283   13283   13283    1   1.0
 1  12344773 WXXXXXX                                  Private XXX_COMMUTATION_JRNL_DETAIL_2            361gck3w3mak7           0  18367721225324700858    1      2   12883   12883   12883    2   1.0
 1  12344682 DXXXXXX                                  Private COMBINED_JE_DETAIL_DV                    2gchgaf465ku5           0   5375582220398622005    1      1    9279    9279    9279    1   1.0
 1  12345618 DXXXXXX                                  Private COMBINED_JE_DETAIL_DV_NO_AFF             2q2faj9c6003u           0  15355473744647942117    1      1    5079    5079    5079    1   1.0
The SQL statement and execution plan can be extracted from AWR using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_WORKLOAD_REPSITORY.  

SELECT * FROM table(dbms_xplan.display_workload_repository('ab2v91h9zj3hv',603930234,'ADVANCED +ADAPTIVE'));

In this example, there are two similar SQL statements, with different force matching signatures, that produce the same execution plan.  The difference is that one has an IN list of 3 accounts, and the other has an equi-join to just one account.  This is enough to produce a different force matching signature.  This is why I often group ASH data by execution plan hash value.  Even if the SQL statement is different, if the execution plan is the same, then the issues and solutions tend to be the same.

The statements have been reformated to make them easier to read.  Both are just joins between two objects.  There are criteria on PS_JRNL_DRILL_VW (a view on PS_JRNL_LN), but there are no join criteria between it and its parent table JRNL_HEADER, thus a meaningless Cartesian product that joins every journal line to every journal header was created and sorted.

SQL_ID ab2v91h9zj3hv 
WHERE ( A.BUSINESS_UNIT IN('12341','12347') 
AND A.ACCOUNT IN ('1234510040','1234510000','1234510060') 

SQL_ID 05tphb379fu8j
WHERE ( A.BUSINESS_UNIT IN('12341','12347') 
AND A.ACCOUNT = '1234510000' 
Line 2 of the execution plan reports a MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN operation that feeds into the SORT GROUP operation at line 1.

Plan hash value: 603930234

| Id  | Operation                                        | Name           | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop | Inst   |IN-OUT|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                                 |                |       |       | 84648 (100)|          |       |       |        |      |
|   1 |  SORT GROUP BY                                   |                |    57 |  9063 | 84648   (1)| 00:00:04 |       |       |        |      |
|   2 |   MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN                           |                |    57 |  9063 | 84647   (1)| 00:00:04 |       |       |        |      |
|   3 |    NESTED LOOPS                                  |                |     1 |   145 |  1636   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |
|   4 |     VIEW                                         | PS_JRNL_HEADER |   112 |  4032 |  1188   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |
|   5 |      UNION-ALL                                   |                |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |
|   6 |       REMOTE                                     | PS_JRNL_HEADER |    76 |  5624 |    18   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       | FSARC~ | R->S |
|   7 |       INLIST ITERATOR                            |                |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |
|   8 |        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID BATCHED       | PS_JRNL_HEADER | 16679 |   586K| 11634   (1)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |
|*  9 |         INDEX RANGE SCAN                         | PSEJRNL_HEADER | 16679 |       |   347   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |
|  10 |     VIEW                                         | PS_JRNL_LN     |     1 |   109 |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |        |      |
|  11 |      UNION-ALL PARTITION                         |                |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |
|* 12 |       FILTER                                     |                |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |
|  13 |        REMOTE                                    | PS_JRNL_LN     |     1 |   217 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       | FSARC~ | R->S |
|* 14 |       FILTER                                     |                |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |
|  15 |        PARTITION RANGE SINGLE                    |                |     1 |   109 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |        |      |
|* 16 |         TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID BATCHED| PS_JRNL_LN     |     1 |   109 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |        |      |
|* 17 |          INDEX RANGE SCAN                        | PS_JRNL_LN     |     1 |       |     4   (0)| 00:00:01 |   KEY |   KEY |        |      |
|  18 |    BUFFER SORT                                   |                |  7749K|   103M| 84644   (1)| 00:00:04 |       |       |        |      |
|  19 |     VIEW                                         | PS_JRNL_HEADER |  7749K|   103M| 83011   (1)| 00:00:04 |       |       |        |      |
|  20 |      UNION-ALL                                   |                |       |       |            |          |       |       |        |      |
|  21 |       REMOTE                                     | PS_JRNL_HEADER |  5698K|  1880M| 50467   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       | FSARC~ | R->S |
|  22 |       TABLE ACCESS STORAGE FULL                  | PS_JRNL_HEADER |  2050K|    86M| 32544   (1)| 00:00:02 |       |       |        |      |
A profile of database time for that execution plan by event and plan line ID shows that most of the time is spent on line 1, sorting the output of the Cartesian product.
                                                                                                                    Stmt    Stmt
   SQL Plan SQL Plan                                                                  H   E I     ASH                ASH    Elap
 Hash Value  Line ID EVENT                                                            P P x M    Secs  ELAP_SECS    Secs    Secs
----------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - ------- ---------- ------- -------
  603930234        1 CPU+CPU Wait                                                     N N Y N  217091 23405.3608  299088   32314
                  18 direct path read temp                                            N N Y N   64395 7034.44748  299088   32314
                  18 CPU+CPU Wait                                                     N N Y N   16998 1812.39445  299088   32314
                   1 ASM IO for non-blocking poll                                     N N Y N     195 20.4802032  299088   32314
                  21 CPU+CPU Wait                                                     N N Y N     195   20.47995  299088   32314
                  16 CPU+CPU Wait                                                     N N Y N     113   10.24021  299088   32314
                     CPU+CPU Wait                                                     N N Y N     103   10.25244  299088   32314
This query never finished because the Cartesian product was so large.  The time recorded was spent in two executions that were eventually cancelled by system operators.

The answer in this particular case is to fix the code.  We have to go back to the user, explain why it is necessary to join parent and child tables and get them to correct their PS/Query.

Finding PS/Queries Without Joins on Related Records

In PeopleSoft, the parent of a child record is recorded on PSRECDEFN in the column PARENTRECNAME.  However, this does not translate into a foreign key relationship in any database supported by PeopleSoft.  This is part of PeopleSoft's original platform-agnosticism.  Not all databases previously supported by PeopleSoft supported database enforced referential integrity.  Therefore it never became part of the implementation, and there is no guarantee that the applications were written in such a way to honour foreign-key constraints (i.e. insert parents before children, delete children before parents etc.).

The below query looks at pairs of parent-child records in each select block of each PS/Query and counts the number of key columns for which there are criteria on the child record that are joined to the parent record.  It is restricted to just the journal header/line tables and views.

It returns rows where no joined key columns are found.  These queries are therefore suspected of being faulty.  However, there may be false positives where child records are joined to grandparents rather than immediate parents.  Such an approach in SQL is perfectly valid, and can even result in better performance.  

WITH x as (
SELECT r1.oprid, r1.qryname, r1.selnum
, r1.rcdnum rcdnum1, r1.recname recname1, r1.corrname corrname1
, r2.rcdnum rcdnum2, r2.recname recname2, r2.corrname corrname2
, (SELECT count(*) 
   FROM psqryfield qf1 --INNER JOIN psrecfielddb f1 ON f1.recname = r1.recname AND f1.fieldname = qf1.fieldname
   ,    psqryfield qf2 INNER JOIN psrecfielddb f2 ON f2.recname = r2.recname AND f2.fieldname = qf2.fieldname 
                                                 AND MOD(f2.useedit,2)=1 /*key fields only*/
   , psqrycriteria c
   WHERE qf1.oprid = r1.oprid AND qf1.qryname = r1.qryname AND qf1.selnum = r1.selnum AND qf1.recname = r1.recname AND qf1.fldrcdnum = r1.rcdnum
   AND   qf2.oprid = r2.oprid AND qf2.qryname = r2.qryname AND qf2.selnum = r2.selnum AND qf2.recname = r2.recname AND qf2.fldrcdnum = r2.rcdnum
   AND    c.oprid = r1.oprid AND c.qryname = r1.qryname AND  c.selnum = r1.selnum 
   AND   (  (c.lcrtselnum = r1.selnum AND c.lcrtfldnum = qf1.fldnum AND c.r1crtselnum = r2.selnum AND c.r1crtfldnum = qf2.fldnum)
         OR (c.lcrtselnum = r2.selnum AND c.lcrtfldnum = qf2.fldnum AND c.r1crtselnum = r1.selnum AND c.r1crtfldnum = qf1.fldnum))
-- AND rownum = 1
  ) num_key_fields
FROM psrecdefn r
, psqryrecord r1
  INNER JOIN psqryrecord r2 ON r1.oprid = r2.oprid AND r1.qryname = r2.qryname AND r1.selnum = r2.selnum AND r1.rcdnum != r2.rcdnum --AND r1.corrname < r2.corrname
WHERE r.recname = r2.recname AND r.parentrecname = r1.recname
WHERE num_key_fields = 0
AND recname1 IN('JRNL_HEADER')
ORDER BY 1,2,3

However, these queries may not have been run recently.  Users tend to write queries, save a modification as a new version, and then abandon the old version.

                                          Sel Rec1                    Cor Rec2                    Cor #Key
OPRID     QRYNAME                           #    # Record 1           #1     # Record             #2  Flds
--------- ------------------------------ ---- ---- ------------------ --- ---- ------------------ --- ----
          2_XX_CHI_JOURNAL_MES2_RE          1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          12300_GL_ACCOUNT_DETAIL           1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          123_DK                            1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          123_NEW                           1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          12345_ACCRUAL_JE_DETAILS          1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
          12345_ACCRUAL_JE_DETAILS_V2       1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
          12345_ACCRUAL_JE_DETAILS_V3       1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
          12345_HARDSOFT_JE_DETAILS_V3      1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
          12345_BM_CURR_ACTIVITY2           1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          AAIC_CBP_POOLS                    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0

I demonstrated how to identify long-running PS/Queries on the process schedulers in an earlier blog post. The following query merges in that query, so that it only considers queries that have run on a process scheduler within the purge period, for which join criteria may be missing.  They are sorted by descending execution time.

REM qry_missingjoins.sql
WITH q1 as (
SELECT r.prcsinstance
, r.oprid runoprid, r.runcntlid
, DECODE(c.private_query_flag,'Y','Private','N','Public') private_query_flag
, DECODE(c.private_query_flag,'Y',r.oprid,' ') oprid
, c.qryname
, CAST(begindttm AS DATE) begindttm
, CAST(enddttm AS DATE) enddttm
, runstatus
, (CAST(NVL(enddttm,SYSDATE) AS DATE)-CAST(begindttm AS DATE))*86400 exec_Secs
FROM psprcsrqst r
  LEFT OUTER JOIN ps_query_run_cntrl c ON c.oprid = r.oprid AND c.run_cntl_id = r.runcntlid
WHERE prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
AND dbname IN(select DISTINCT dbname from ps.psdbowner)
--AND r.begindttm >= trunc(SYSDATE)-2+8/24
--AND r.begindttm <= trunc(SYSDATE)-2+19/24
), q as (
Select /*+MATERIALIZE*/ oprid, qryname
, SUM(exec_secs) exec_secs
, COUNT(*) num_execs
, COUNT(DECODE(runstatus,'9',1,NULL)) complete_execs
, COUNT(DISTINCT runoprid) runoprids
GROUP BY oprid, qryname
), x as (
SELECT r1.oprid, r1.qryname, r1.selnum
, r1.rcdnum rcdnum1, r1.recname recname1, r1.corrname corrname1
, r2.rcdnum rcdnum2, r2.recname recname2, r2.corrname corrname2
, (SELECT count(*) 
   FROM psqryfield qf1 --INNER JOIN psrecfielddb f1 ON f1.recname = r1.recname AND f1.fieldname = qf1.fieldname
   ,    psqryfield qf2 INNER JOIN psrecfielddb f2 ON f2.recname = r2.recname AND f2.fieldname = qf2.fieldname AND MOD(f2.useedit,2)=1
   , psqrycriteria c
   WHERE qf1.oprid = r1.oprid AND qf1.qryname = r1.qryname AND qf1.selnum = r1.selnum AND qf1.recname = r1.recname AND qf1.fldrcdnum = r1.rcdnum
   AND   qf2.oprid = r2.oprid AND qf2.qryname = r2.qryname AND qf2.selnum = r2.selnum AND qf2.recname = r2.recname AND qf2.fldrcdnum = r2.rcdnum
   AND    c.oprid = r1.oprid AND  c.qryname = r1.qryname AND  c.selnum = r1.selnum 
   AND   (  (c.lcrtselnum = r1.selnum AND c.lcrtfldnum = qf1.fldnum AND c.r1crtselnum = r2.selnum AND c.r1crtfldnum = qf2.fldnum)
         OR (c.lcrtselnum = r2.selnum AND c.lcrtfldnum = qf2.fldnum AND c.r1crtselnum = r1.selnum AND c.r1crtfldnum = qf1.fldnum))
   AND rownum = 1
  ) num_key_fields
FROM psrecdefn r
, psqryrecord r1
  INNER JOIN psqryrecord r2 ON r1.oprid = r2.oprid AND r1.qryname = r2.qryname AND r1.selnum = r2.selnum AND r1.rcdnum != r2.rcdnum --AND r1.corrname < r2.corrname
WHERE r.recname = r2.recname AND r.parentrecname = r1.recname
SELECT /*+LEADING(Q)*/ q.*, x.selnum
, x.rcdnum1, x.recname1, x.corrname1
, x.rcdnum2, x.recname2, x.corrname2, x.num_key_fields
  INNER JOIN q ON q.oprid = x.oprid AND q.qryname = x.qryname
WHERE num_key_fields = 0
AND exec_secs >= 600
ORDER BY exec_secs desc


Now I have a list of candidate queries that have been used recently and may be missing joins that I investigate further.

                                                                                          Sel Rec1                    Cor Rec2                    Cor #Key
OPRID     QRYNAME                         EXEC_SECS  NUM_EXECS COMPLETE_EXECS  RUNOPRIDS    #    # Record 1           #1     # Record 2           #2  Flds
--------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---- ---- ------------------ --- ---- ------------------ --- ----
UKXXXXXXX AR_VENDOR_LOCATION_DETAILB         264317        361            360          1    1    1 VENDOR             A      8 VNDR_LOC_SCROL     H      0
          XX_COL_MOV_ALT_ACCT2_PERIO         193692       2096           2051         14    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      3 OPEN_ITEM_GL       C      0
          APC_123_LEDGER_ACTIVITY_BY_BU      151438       2959           2938         73    2    1 JRNL_HEADER        B      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
MXXXXXX   MT_AUSTRALIA_TAX_PMTS              137471         36             28          1    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          XX_PAN_ASIA_JOURNALS_REF           135825         48             47          4    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      5 JRNL_OPENITM_VW    E      0
          XXX_STKCOMP_LIFE                   120537        526            523          1    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0
          XXX_123_TB_LEDGER_BAL_BU           100848       2093           2044         17    3    1 JRNL_HEADER        B      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
KXXXXXX   XXX_JRNL_LIST_AUDIT_KL              99843        489            482          1    1    2 JRNL_HEADER        B      1 JRNL_DRILL_VW      A      0
          XXX_JE_ID_QUERY                     86106        156            151          1    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            C      0
          XXX_ACTIVITY_DETAILS_2              85356        336            302          5    1    1 JRNL_HEADER        A      2 JRNL_LN            B      0

Anyone can inspect any public queries, but you must be logged in as the owner of a private query to be able to see it.

The scripts in this article can be downloaded from GitHub davidkurtz/psscripts.

Monday, November 25, 2024

PeopleSoft PS/Query: Identify Long Running Queries (on Process Schedulers)

This is the first of a series in which I will share some of my PeopleSoft scripts, and explain how they work.
Many PeopleSoft users like its ad hoc query tool because they can write their own queries directly on the system, without having to learn to write structured query language (SQL), or getting a developer to write it for them.  

What is the Problem?

This tool is disliked and even feared by database administrators (DBAs) and system administrators, because it is easy for users to create poor queries, that either don't work as intended or can run for long periods, sometimes indefinitely, without even producing results.  This can consume significant amounts of CPU.

Managing Queries Scheduled on the Process Scheduler

The PSQUERY application engine program runs queries on the process scheduler. Users should be encouraged to use this rather than running them online.  
Queries run online via the PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA) cannot be managed.  
  • There is no limit to the number of queries that users can initiate concurrently.  
  • The number that can actually execute concurrently is limited by the number of PSQRYSRV processes in each application server domain.  Any additional requests will simply queue up in Tuxedo.
  • It is possible to set maximum execution times in the PeopleSoft configuration, on the ICQuery service on the PSQRYSRV server in the application server.  
It is easier to manage and monitor the queries run in PSQUERY processes on the process scheduler.  They don't put any load on the PIA, but they put load on the database.
  • A system-wide maximum number of concurrently executing instances of the application engine program can be set on the process definition.
  • A maximum number of concurrently executing instances of the application engine program per process scheduler can be set (by using a process class).
  • The application engine, or its process class, can be given a lower priority so that other queued processes are run in preference.

PS/Queries run either in the PIA or on the process scheduler can be mapped to low-priority consumer groups in an Oracle database resource manager plan so that they do not starve the rest of the system of CPU (see PeopleSoft DBA Blog: PSFT_PLAN: A Sample Oracle Database Resource Manager Plan for PeopleSoft).
A maximum run time, or maximum estimated run time, can be defined for a consumer group.  If the limit is breached an Oracle error is raised: ORA-00040: active time limit exceeded - call aborted. In the PIA, the error message is simply presented to the user.  The scheduled PSQUERY application engine process will terminate and the error will be logged.  In both cases, the user has to recognise the error message and understand what it means.  Otherwise, they will raise the issue with support.
The various methods of setting maximum execution time limits are quite blunt instruments.  They are essentially one-size-fits-all approaches.  Typically, some queries are expected to run for a long time, and then the limits must be set to accommodate them. 

Queries Scheduled on the Process Scheduler

I can query who has run which queries, and how long they ran for.  Simply outer join the run control record for the PSQUERY application engine (PS_QUERY_RUN_CNTL) to the process scheduler request table (PSPRCSRQST).

In this case, I am interested in 
the top 50 PS/Queries by cumulative execution
with a cumulative execution time of over 5 minutes (300s)
that were scheduled yesterday between 8am and 7pm
REM qry_missingjoins.sql
WITH x as (
SELECT r.prcsinstance, r.oprid, r.runcntlid
,      DECODE(c.private_query_flag,'Y','Private','N','Public') private_query_flag, c.qryname
,      CAST(begindttm AS DATE) begindttm
,      CAST(enddttm AS DATE) enddttm
,      runstatus
,      (CAST(NVL(enddttm,SYSDATE) AS DATE)-CAST(begindttm AS DATE))*86400 exec_Secs
FROM   psprcsrqst r
  LEFT OUTER JOIN ps_query_run_cntrl c ON c.oprid = r.oprid AND c.run_cntl_id = r.runcntlid
WHERE  prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
AND    r.begindttm >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)-0+8/24 /*from 8am*/
AND    r.begindttm <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)-0+19/24 /*to 7pm*/
WHERE  exec_Secs >= 300 /*Over 5 minutes*/
ORDER BY exec_secs desc /*descending order of elapsed time*/
I now have a profile of top queries that I can use to direct further investigation.
  Process                                           Private                                                                    Run     Exec
 Instance OPRID      RUNCNTLID                      Query   QRYNAME                        BEGINDTTM         ENDDTTM           Stat    Secs
--------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ---- -------
 12344471 F******    ***AM_FIN_GL_AP                Public  ***AM_FIN_GL_AP                10:06:21 19.**.** 19:08:52 19.**.** 8      32551
 12344342 N******    ownxxxxxxxxxxxx                Public  ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_***_V2 09:41:58 19.**.** 18:20:09 19.**.** 10     31091
 12344336 N******    ojnxxxxxxxxxx                  Public  ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_***    09:40:27 19.**.** 16:51:11 19.**.** 10     25844
 12345209 N******    eowxxxxxxxxxxxxx               Public  ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_***    12:41:17 19.**.** 19:08:30 19.**.** 8      23233
 12345213 N******    iwoxxxxxxxxxxxxx               Public  ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_***_V2 12:41:53 19.**.** 19:08:56 19.**.** 8      23223
 12345574 B******    gl                             Private ***_GL_BJU                     14:27:32 19.**.** 19:08:59 19.**.** 8      16887
 12345681 B******    gl                             Private ***_GL_BJU                     14:51:06 19.**.** 19:09:02 19.**.** 8      15476
 12345852 W******    insolvents                     Public  ***INSOLVENTS_JRNL_DETAIL      15:24:41 19.**.** 19:09:04 19.**.** 8      13463
sum                                                                                                                                  268112
  • Some details have been redacted from this real-world example.
  • The result is not guaranteed to be completely accurate.  A user might have reused a run control record and can only get the current value.
  • This and other scripts can be downloaded from GitHub davidkurtz/psscripts.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 4. How to Identify Candidate Processes for Cursor Sharing

This is the last in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

In this article, I look at a method to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.  Then it is necessary to test whether cursor sharing actually is beneficial.

My example is based on nVision reports in a PeopleSoft Financials system, but the technique can be applied to other processes and is not even limited to PeopleSoft.  nVision reports example because they vary from report to report, depending upon how they are written, and the nature of the reporting trees they use.  Some nVision reports benefit from cursor sharing, others it makes little difference, and for some it is detrimental.

As always Active Session History (ASH) is your friend.  First, you need to know which ASH data relates to which process, so you need to enable PeopleSoft instrumentation (see Effective PeopleSoft Performance Monitoring), and install my psftapi package and trigger to enable instrumentation of Cobol, nVision and SQR.

Candidates for Cursor Sharing

Use ASH for a given process to identify candidate processes by calculating the following measures.
  • Elapsed time of the process from the first to the last ASH sample.  This is not the elapsed duration of the client process, but it will be a reasonable approximation. Otherwise, you can get the exact duration from the process request record (PSPRCSRQST).
  • Total database time for a process (all ASH samples).
  • Total time that a process is restrained by the resource manager (where EVENT is 'resmgr: CPU quantum')
  • Total database time spent on CPU (where EVENT is null).
  • Total database time spent on SQL parse (where IN_PARSE flag is set to Y)
  • Number of distinct SQL IDs.
  • Number of distinct force matching signatures.
Look for processes with high elapsed time, of which a significant proportion is spent on both CPU and SQL parse.  This should correlate with processes where there are many more SQL IDs than force matching signatures.

Is Cursor Sharing Enabled Already?

It is possible to determine whether cursor sharing is already set for a process, although this is not explicitly recorded.  
  • If cursor sharing is not enabled then the number of distinct SQL_IDs should be greater than the number of distinct force-matching signatures. This may not be the case if you don't have enough ASH samples, but then the program probably doesn't consume enough time for it to be worth considering cursor sharing.
  • If the number of SQL_IDs is equal to the number of force matching signatures then cursor sharing is probably enabled, but again this could be unreliable if the number of ASH samples is low (and close to the number of SQL IDs).
  • It should be impossible for the number of distinct SQL IDs to be less than the number of distinct force matching signatures, but it can happen due to quirks in ASH sampling.
I have coded this into my queries.  It will be reasonably accurate if you have several ASH samples per SQL ID.  Otherwise, you may detect false positives.

Sample Queries and Output

I have written a couple of queries that I have published on GitHub.  They happen to be specific to nVision, but can easily be extended to other processes.
  • The first query calculates average values for each process/run control ID combination within the AWR retention period (high_parse_nvision_avg.sql)
Having implemented cursor sharing for a particular process it is necessary to watch it over time and decide whether the change has been effective. The metrics shown below come from a real system (although actual run control IDs have been changed).  
  • All the timings for NVS_RPTBOOK_1 have come down significantly. The number of SQL_IDs has dropped from 238 to 11.  The number of force matching signatures has also dropped, but that is because we have fewer ASH samples and some statements are no longer sampled at all.  Cursor sharing is beneficial and can be retained.
  • However, this is not the case for the second process. Although NVS_RPTBOOK_2 looked like a good candidate for cursor sharing, and the parse time has indeed come down, all the other durations have gone up.  The cursor sharing setting will have to be removed for this report.
                                            Cursor           Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev   Avg
                                    Cursor  Sharing   Num   Elap   Elap    ASH    ASH ResMgr ResMgr  Parse  Parse    CPU    CPU   SQL  Avg
OPRID      RUNCNTLID                Sharing Setting Procs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   IDs  FMS
---------- ------------------------ ------- ------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----
NVISION    NVS_RPTBOOK_1            EXACT   FORCE      33   3691   1062   2687   1071    741    702   2232    932   1791    479   238   16
                                    FORCE   FORCE      13   1623    377    664    394    357    373     43     19    353     85    11   12
           NVS_RPTBOOK_2            EXACT   EXACT      39   3696   1435   3316   1431   1038    927   1026    661   2042    611   137   27
                                    FORCE   EXACT       7   4028   2508   3676   2490   1333   1563     17     12   2275    939    19   19

It is always worth looking at individual process executions.  

We can see that cursor sharing was introduced on 31st July.  Even though there is a lot of variance in runtimes due to variances in data volumes and other system activities, it is clear that cursor sharing is beneficial for this process.

                              Process R                                              Elap    ASH ResMgr  Parse    CPU   SQL        ASH Sharing Cursor  Parse   S:F
OPRID      RUNCNTLID         Instance S  MIN_SAMPLE_TIME      MAX_SAMPLE_TIME        Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   IDs  FMS  Samp Setting Sharing     % Ratio
---------- ---------------- --------- -- -------------------- -------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---- ----- ------- ------- ----- -----
NVISION    NVS_RPTBOOK_1     12447036 9  21.07.2024 21.03.25  21.07.2024 21.47.02    2645   1543    174   1297   1277   145   17   150 FORCE   EXACT      84   8.5
                             12452568 9  22.07.2024 21.02.04  22.07.2024 21.41.03    2373   1413    123   1188   1250   133   13   138 FORCE   EXACT      84  10.2
                             12458455 9  23.07.2024 21.07.15  23.07.2024 21.52.25    2759   1587     51   1372   1423   152   14   155 FORCE   EXACT      86  10.9
                             12465042 9  24.07.2024 20.58.08  24.07.2024 21.50.19    3154   2100    369   1782   1557   201   18   205 FORCE   EXACT      85  11.2
                             12471732 9  25.07.2024 21.25.34  25.07.2024 22.46.32    4885   3861   1946   3318   1843   333   14   377 FORCE   EXACT      86  23.8
                             12477118 9  26.07.2024 22.41.07  26.07.2024 23.26.07    2730   1791    113   1526   1586   173   14   174 FORCE   EXACT      85  12.4
                             12479163 9  27.07.2024 23.13.40  28.07.2024 00.01.23    2917   1688    161   1513   1260   156   14   164 FORCE   EXACT      90  11.1
                             12480710 9  28.07.2024 21.47.44  28.07.2024 22.29.08    2529   1586    205   1320   1238   149   12   154 FORCE   EXACT      83  12.4
                             12487744 9  29.07.2024 21.47.44  29.07.2024 22.51.05    3834   2815    797   2292   1843   248   16   273 FORCE   EXACT      81  15.5
                             12495417 9  30.07.2024 22.57.13  30.07.2024 23.46.48    3015   2084    307   1869   1592   200   15   203 FORCE   EXACT      90  13.3
                             12501446 9  31.07.2024 21.27.51  31.07.2024 21.51.18    1478    461     72     31    389    10   11    45 FORCE   FORCE       7   0.9
                             12507769 9  01.08.2024 21.44.01  01.08.2024 22.05.56    1387    357    100     21    246     7    8    34 FORCE   FORCE       6   0.9
                             12513527 9  02.08.2024 21.02.27  02.08.2024 21.27.47    1538    635    236     31    400    11   12    62 FORCE   FORCE       5   0.9
                             12515368 9  03.08.2024 22.12.50  03.08.2024 22.40.03    1682    686    143     51    532     9   10    67 FORCE   FORCE       7   0.9
                             12516959 9  04.08.2024 21.38.01  04.08.2024 21.57.00    1263    266            51    266     8    9    26 FORCE   FORCE      19   0.9
                             12522863 9  05.08.2024 21.14.36  05.08.2024 21.48.40    2082   1167    727     51    430    14   13   114 FORCE   EXACT       4   1.1
                             12529263 9  06.08.2024 21.02.59  06.08.2024 21.39.47    2223   1300    900     51    389    12   13   126 FORCE   FORCE       4   0.9
                             12535782 9  07.08.2024 21.08.23  07.08.2024 21.37.48    1774    974    585     52    379    12   13    94 FORCE   FORCE       5   0.9
                             12541727 9  08.08.2024 21.07.43  08.08.2024 21.40.54    2014   1085    809     51    276    16   17   106 FORCE   FORCE       5   0.9
                             12547232 9  09.08.2024 21.27.28  09.08.2024 21.47.08    1213    236            31    236     8    9    23 FORCE   FORCE      13   0.9
Note that on 5th August the report erroneously claims that cursor sharing went back to EXACT.  This is because there are more SQL_IDs than force matching signatures.  Again, this is a quirk of ASH sampling. 

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 3. How to Set Initialisation Parameters for Specific Scheduled Processes

This is the third in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

  1. Introduction
  2. What happens during SQL Parse?  What is a 'hard' parse?  What is a 'soft' parse?  The additional overhead of a hard parse.
  3. How to set CURSOR_SHARING for specific scheduled processes
  4. How to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.

Cursor Sharing

If you cannot remove the literal values in the application SQL code, then another option is to enable cursor sharing and have Oracle do it.  Literals are converted to bind variables before the SQL is parsed; thus, statements that only differ in the literal values can be treated as the same statement.  If the statement is still in the shared pool, it is not fully reparsed and uses the same execution plan.

Oracle cautions against using cursor sharing as a long-term fix: "The best practice is to write sharable SQL and use the default of EXACT for CURSOR_SHARING… FORCE is not meant to be a permanent development solution."

I realise that I am now about to suggest doing exactly that, but only for specific processes, and never for the whole database.  Over the years, I have tested enabling cursor sharing at database level a few times and have never had a good experience.  

However, enabling cursor sharing in a few carefully selected processes can be beneficial.  It can save some of the time spent in the database on hard parse, but will have no effect on the time that PeopleSoft processes spend generating the SQL.

Session Settings for Processes Executed on the Process Scheduler 

Setting a session for a specific process run on the PeopleSoft process scheduler is straightforward.   The first thing a process does is set the status of its own request record to 7, indicating that it is processing. A database trigger can be created on this transition that will then be executed in the session of the process.  
I initially used this technique to set other session settings for nVision reports.  I used a table to hold a list of the settings, and the trigger matches this metadata to the processes being run by up to 4 attributes: process type, process name, operation and run control.
It is usual to set up different run controls to run different instances of the same code on different sets of data.  I sometimes see certain run controls set up to regularly run certain nVision or other reports.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sysadm.set_prcs_sess_parm
BEFORE UPDATE OF runstatus ON sysadm.psprcsrqst
FOLLOWS sysadm.psftapi_store_prcsinstance 
WHEN (new.runstatus = 7 AND old.runstatus != 7 AND new.prcstype != 'PSJob')
  l_cmd VARCHAR2(100 CHAR);
  FOR i IN (
    WITH x as (
      SELECT p.*
      ,      row_number() over (partition by param_name 
             order by NULLIF(prcstype, ' ') nulls last, NULLIF(prcsname, ' ') nulls last, 
                      NULLIF(oprid   , ' ') nulls last, NULLIF(runcntlid,' ') nulls last) priority
      FROM   sysadm.PS_PRCS_SESS_PARM p
      WHERE  (p.prcstype  = :new.prcstype  OR p.prcstype  = ' ')
      AND    (p.prcsname  = :new.prcsname  OR p.prcsname  = ' ')
      AND    (p.oprid     = :new.oprid     OR p.oprid     = ' ')
      AND    (p.runcntlid = :new.runcntlid OR p.runcntlid = ' ')) 
    SELECT * FROM x WHERE priority = 1 
  ) LOOP
    IF NULLIF(i.parmvalue,' ') IS NOT NULL THEN
      l_cmd := 'ALTER SESSION '||i.keyword||' '||l_delim||i.param_name||l_delim||l_op||i.parmvalue;
    END IF;
The first delivered program that was a candidate for cursor sharing was GLPOCONS (GL Consolidations process).  It is only necessary is to insert the corresponding metadata, and it will apply the next time the process starts.  Anything you can set with an ALTER SESSION command can be put in the metadata.  
At times, other settings have been defined, hence in this example the insert statement is written in this way, and you can also see that in-memory query has been disabled for the same process. 
INSERT INTO sysadm.ps_prcs_sess_parm (prcstype, prcsname, oprid, runcntlid, keyword, param_name, parmvalue)
with x as (
          select 'inmemory_query' param_name, 'SET' keyword, 'DISABLE' parmvalue from dual --Disable inmemory 
union all select 'cursor_sharing'           , 'SET' keyword, 'FORCE'             from dual --to mitigate excessive parse
), y as (
  select prcstype, prcsname, ' ' oprid, ' ' runcntlid
  from	 ps_prcsdefn
  where  prcsname IN('GLPOCONS')
select  y.prcstype, y.prcsname, y.oprid, y.runcntlid, x.keyword, x.param_name, x.parmvalue
from    x,y

Stand-alone Application Engine (PSAE) -v- Application Engine Server PSAESRV

In PeopleTools 8.4, the Process Scheduler became a fully-fledged Tuxedo domain and the Application Engine server process PSAESRV was also introduced.  Stand-alone Application Engine executable psae is still available, but the Tuxedo server process is configured by default.  The Tuxedo server process is a persistent process that creates a persistent database connection that may service many different Application Engine programs during its lifetime.  If you make session settings during the execution of one Application Engine program, they will still be set when the same server process executes the next program. Generally, you don't want session settings bleeding from one process request to another.  Instead, any setting made at the start of the process would have to be reverted to the previous value at the end.  That is not necessarily the same as resetting it back to the default.
This is, therefore, another reason why it is preferable to revert to using the legacy stand-alone Application Engine process (psae) that creates a new database session for each request.
The set_prcs_sess_parm  trigger does not save or reset the previous value for settings it makes. Therefore, it should NOT be used in conjunction with PSAESRV.

Cursor Sharing Application Engine Programs Spawned Directly by COBOL Programs

In PeopleSoft, some COBOL programs directly spawn stand-alone Application Engine processes.  These processes do not update the status on the process request record, so the set_prcs_sess_parm trigger described above does not fire.  
A different data change must be found upon which to place a trigger.  It may be different for different processes.  In Financials, GL_JEDIT2 is such a process, and it is a good candidate for cursor sharing.  
I chose to create a hard-coded compound trigger on the insert into the journal line table (PS_JRNL_LN).  
  • See gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2_trigger.sql
  • This update is specific to this process, so the trigger is simply hard-coded. It does not use any metadata.
  • The after row part of the trigger copies the process instance number from the JRNL_LN rows being inserted into a local variable. This is deliberately minimal so that overhead on the insert is minimal
  • The after statement part of the trigger cannot be directly read from the table that was updated.  Instead, it checks that the process instance number, that was captured during the after row section and stored in the local variable, is for an instance of FSPCCURR or GLPOCONS that is currently processing (PSPRCSRQST.RUNSTATUS = '7').  If so it sets CURSOR_SHARING to FORCE at session level.  
  • The ALTER SESSION command is Data Dictionary Language (DDL).  In PL/SQL this must be executed as dynamic code.
  • The FSPCCURR and GLPOCONS COBOL processes may each spawn GL_JEDIT2 many times. Each runs as a separate stand-alone PSAE process that makes a new connection to the database, runs and then disconnects.  Cursor sharing is enabled separately for each.
REM gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2_trigger.sql
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2
FOR UPDATE OF process_instance ON ps_jrnl_ln
WHEN (new.process_instance != 0 and old.process_instance = 0)
  l_process_instance INTEGER;
  l_runcntlid VARCHAR2(30);
  l_module VARCHAR2(64);
  l_action VARCHAR2(64);
  l_prcsname VARCHAR2(12);
  l_cursor_sharing CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'ALTER SESSION SET cursor_sharing=FORCE';

    l_process_instance := :new.process_instance;
    IF l_process_instance != 0 THEN
      IF l_module like 'PSAE.GL_JEDIT2.%' THEN --check this session is instrumented as being GL_JEDIT2
        --check process instance being set is a running FSPCCURR process
        SELECT prcsname, runcntlid
        INTO l_prcsname, l_runcntlid
        FROM psprcsrqst
        WHERE prcsinstance = l_process_instance
        AND prcsname IN('FSPCCURR','GLPOCONS')
        AND runstatus = '7';
        l_module := regexp_substr(l_module,'PSAE\.GL_JEDIT2\.[0-9]+',1,1)
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_cursor_sharing;
      END IF;
    END IF;
      NULL; --cannot find running fspccurr/glpocons with this process instance number

END gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2;

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 2. What happens during SQL Parse? What is a 'hard' parse? What is a 'soft' parse?

This is the second in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

  1. Introduction
  2. What happens during SQL Parse?  What is a 'hard' parse?  What is a 'soft' parse?  The additional overhead of a hard parse.
  3. How to set CURSOR_SHARING for specific scheduled processes.
  4. How to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.

To understand why cursor sharing can be beneficial it is necessary to understand

  • What happens when Oracle parses and executes a SQL statement?.
  • How some PeopleSoft processes dynamically construct SQL statements

SQL Processing: 'Hard' Parse -v- 'Soft' Parse

Oracle SQL Parse Flow
SQL parse processing is set out in various places in the Oracle database documentation
When a statement is submitted to the database it goes through a number of stages of parsing before it is executed. 
  • Syntax Check: Is the statement syntactically valid?
  • Semantic Check:  Is the statement meaningful?  Do the referenced objects exist and is the user allowed to access them?
  • SGA Check: Does the statement already exist in the shared SQL area?  
The database looks for an exact matching statement in the shared SQL area. If it is not found, the database must perform additional tasks called 'hard' parsing.  The stages performed up to this point are referred to as 'soft parsing'.
  • Generation of the optimal execution plan
  • Row Source Generation - The execution plan is used to generate an iterative execution plan that is usable by the rest of the database.
Thus the Oracle Database must perform a 'hard' parse at least once for every unique DML statement.

What is Cursor Sharing?

A cursor is a name or handle for a private SQL area that contains session-specific information about a statement, including bind variables, state information and result sets.  A cursor in the private area points to the shared SQL area in the library cache that contains the parse tree and execution plan for a statement.  Multiple private areas can reference a single shared SQL area.  This is known as cursor sharing.

The database allows only textually identical statements to share a cursor. By default, the CURSOR_SHARING parameter is set to EXACT, and thus is disabled.  "The optimizer generates a plan for each statement based on the literal value."
When CURSOR_SHARING is set to FORCE, the database replaces literal values with system-generated variables.  The database still only exactly matches statements, but after the literal values have been substituted, thus giving the appearance of matching statements that differ only by their literal values.  "For statements that are identical after bind variables replace the literals, the optimizer uses the same plan. Using this technique, the database can sometimes reduce the number of parent cursors in the shared SQL area." The database only performs a soft parse.  
In systems, such as PeopleSoft, that generate many distinct statements, cursor sharing can significantly reduce hard parse, and therefore CPU and time spent on it.

Sources of Hard Parse in PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft has a deserved reputation for suffering from high volumes of SQL hard parse.  Generally, the cause of this is dynamically generated code.  Often each statement has different literal values. 
  • In Application Engine, %BIND() resolves to a literal value rather than bind variable in the resulting SQL statement unless the ReUseStatement attribute is enabled.  The problem is that it is disabled by default, and there are limitations to when it can be set.
  • Dynamic statements in COBOL processes.  This is effectively the same behaviour as Application Engine, but here the dynamic generation of SQL is hard-coded in the COBOL from a combination of static fragments and configuration data. PeopleSoft COBOL programs generally just embed literal values in such statements because it is easier than creating dynamic SQL statements with possibly varying numbers of bind variables.
  • In nVision where 'dynamic selectors' and 'use literal values' tree performance options are selected.  These settings are often preferable because the resulting SQL statements can make effective use of Bloom filters and Hybrid Column Compression (on Exadata).  The penalty is that it can lead to more hard parse operations.

ReUseStatement -v- Cursor  Sharing

Of course, it would be better if PeopleSoft SQL used bind variables more often, rather than literal values. 
In Application Engine, if the ReUseStatement attribute is set on a step, then bind variables in Application Engine remain bind variables in the resulting SQL and are not converted back to literals.  
This can reduce both the amount of time Application Engine spends dynamically generating SQL statements before submitting them to the database as well as the time the database spends parsing them (see Minimising Parse Time in Application Engine with ReUseStatement). 
However, this attribute is not set by default on newly created Application Engine steps in Application Designer.  This was to maintain backward compatibility with programs created in earlier versions of PeopleTools.
However, there are restrictions to where it cannot be used.  Most commonly because %BIND(…NOQUOTES) has been used to dynamically generate part of the statement based on configuration data.
Over the years, PeopleSoft development has got much better at setting this attribute where possible in the delivered application code.  Nonetheless, there are still places where it could be added.  
See also:
However, there are some considerations before we add it ourselves.
  • ReUseStatement cannot be introduced across the board, but only on steps that meet certain criteria set out in the documentation.  It doesn't work when dynamic code is generated with %BIND(…,NOQUOTES), or if a %BIND() is used in a SELECT clause.  Worse, setting this attribute incorrectly can cause the application to function incorrectly.  So each change has to be tested carefully.
  • When a customer sets the ReUseStatement attribute in the delivered code, it is a customisation to an Application Engine step that has to be migrated using Application Designer.  It then has to be maintained to ensure that subsequent PeopleSoft releases and patches do not revert it.
  • There is no equivalent option for PeopleSoft COBOL, SQR, or nVision.  The way that SQL is generated in each is effectively hard-coded.

Recommendation: It is not a case of either ReUseStatement or Cursor Sharing.  It may be both.  If you are writing your own Application Engine code, or customising delivered code anyway, then it is usually advantageous to set ReUseStatement where you can.  You will save non-database execution time as well as database time because you are then using bind variables, and Application Engine does not have to spend time generating the text of a new SQL statement with new literal values for every execution.  You may still benefit from cursor sharing for statements where you cannot set ReUseStatement.  

However, as you will see in the last article in this series, cursor sharing is not always effective, you have to test.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 1. Introduction

This is the first in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

  1. Introduction
  2. What happens during SQL Parse?  What is a 'hard' parse?  What is a 'soft' parse?  The additional overhead of a hard parse.
  3. How to set CURSOR_SHARING for specific scheduled processes.
  4. How to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.

PeopleSoft applications make extensive use of configuration data that is then interpreted by dynamic code. This leads to lots of similar statements with different literal values; statements that differ only by literal values are still different. In an Oracle database, each statement that cannot be exactly matched with a statement already in the Shared SQL Area (also known as the Cursor Cache) must be parsed.  Thus, each distinct statement must be parsed at least once.  
Hence, PeopleSoft systems have many SQL statements that are only ever executed once,each of which has to be fully parsed.  This is often called a 'hard' parse.  With PeopleSoft, this parse overhead can have a significant impact on performance.
In an Oracle database, CURSOR_SHARING can be set to FORCE (the default is EXACT). Then, it will substitute the literals with system-generated bind variables. The statement is still exactly matched against the contents of the Shared SQL Area, but now statements that previously only differed by their literal values will match the same bind variables.  Oracle can omit some of the parse processing for matched statements, leaving what is often called a 'soft' parse. This can significantly reduce the CPU overhead of SQL parse, and thus improve the performance of some processes.

Do not set CURSOR_SHARING to FORCE at database level.  Over the years, I have tried this several times with different PeopleSoft systems, and on various different versions of Oracle.  The net result was always negative. Some things improved, but many more degraded and often to a greater extent.

However, I have found that it can be effective to set it at session-level for specific processes, and sometimes just specific run controls for specific processes.  

What is Oracle's advice?

Oracle has always been clear that it is always better to write sharable SQL (i.e. that uses bind variables), and that setting CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE should not be used as a permanent fix.
As a general guideline, the Oracle Real-World Performance group recommends against setting CURSOR_SHARING to FORCE except … when all of the following conditions are met:
  1. Statements in the shared pool differ only in the values of literals 
  2. Response time is suboptimal because of a very high number of library cache misses.
  3. Your existing code has a serious security and scalability bug—the absence of bind variables—and you need a temporary band-aid until the source code can be fixed.
  4. You set this initialization parameter at the session level and not at the instance level.
See SQL Tuning Guide: Improving Real-World Performance Through Cursor Sharing -> Real-World Performance Guidelines for Cursor Sharing -> Do Not Use CURSOR_SHARING = FORCE as a Permanent Fix

I submit that my approach in PeopleSoft meets at least 3 these of conditions.  As for the third criterion, we are talking about SQL statements that are either delivered as part of PeopleSoft code or that are dynamically generated from configuration data, also by delivered code.  The reality is that these are as 'fixed' as they are going to be within PeopleSoft.  Most of this code is at least very difficult, if not impossible, for the customer to alter, and the cost and risk of owning and maintaining any such customisation is almost certainly prohibitive.  Cursor sharing may be a band-aid, but it will be there for the long term.

The next article looks at how the Oracle database parses SQL statements.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Configuring Shared Global Area (SGA) in a Multitenant Database with a PeopleSoft Pluggable Database (PDB)

I have been working on a PeopleSoft Financials application that we have converted from a stand-alone database to be the only pluggable database (PDB) in an Oracle 19c container database (CDB).  We have been getting shared pool errors in the PDB that lead to ORA-4031 errors in the PeopleSoft application.  

I have written a longer version of this article on my Oracle blog, but here are the main points.

SGA Management with a Parse Intensive System (PeopleSoft).

PeopleSoft systems dynamically generate lots of non-shareable SQL code.  This leads to lots of parse and consumes more shared pool.  ASMM can respond by shrinking the buffer cache and growing the shared pool.  However, this can lead to more physical I/O and degrade performance and it is not beneficial for the database to cache dynamic SQL statements that are not going to be executed again.  Other parse-intensive systems can also exhibit this behaviour.

In PeopleSoft, I normally set DB_CACHE_SIZE and SHARED_POOL_SIZE to minimum values to stop ASMM shuffling too far in either direction.  With a large SGA, moving memory between these pools can become a performance problem in its own right.  

We removed SHARED_POOL_SIZE, DB_CACHE_SIZE and SGA_MIN_SIZE settings from the PDB.  The only SGA parameters set at PDB level are SGA_TARGET and INMEMORY_SIZE.  

SHARED_POOL_SIZE and DB_CACHE_SIZE are set as I usually would for PeopleSoft, but at CDB level to guarantee a minimum buffer cache size.  

This is straightforward when there is only one PDB in the CDB.   I have yet to see what happens when I have another active PDB with a non-PeopleSoft system and a different kind of workload that puts less stress on the shared pool and more on the buffer cache.

Initialisation Parameters

  • SGA_TARGET "specifies the total size of all SGA components".  Use this parameter to control the memory usage of each PDB.  The setting at CDB must be at least the sum of the settings for each PDB.
    • Recommendations:
      • Use only this parameter at PDB level to manage the memory consumption of the PDB.
      • In a CDB with only a single PDB, set SGA_TARGET to the same value at CDB and PDB levels.  
      • Therefore, where there are multiple PDBs, SGA_TARGET at CDB level should be set to the sum of the setting for each PDB.  However, I haven't tested this yet.
      • There is no recommendation to reserve SGA for use by the CDB only, nor in my experience is there any need so to do.
  • SHARED_POOL_SIZE sets the minimum amount of shared memory reserved to the shared pool.  It can optionally be set in a PDB.  
    • Recommendation: However, do not set SHARED_POOL_SIZE at PDB level.  It can be set at CDB level.
  • DB_CACHE_SIZE sets the minimum amount of shared memory reserved to the buffer cache. It can optionally be set in a PDB.  
    • Recommendation: However, do not set DB_CACHE_SIZE at PDB level.  It can be set at CDB level.
  • SGA_MIN_SIZE has no effect at CDB level.  It can be set at PDB level at up to half of the manageable SGA
    • Recommendation: However, do not set SGA_MIN_SIZE.
  • INMEMORY_SIZE: If you are using in-memory query, this must be set at CDB level in order to reserve memory for the in-memory store.  The parameter defaults to 0, in which case in-memory query is not available.  The in-memory pool is not managed by Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM), but it does count toward the total SGA used in SGA_TARGET.
    • Recommendation: Therefore it must also be set in the PDB where in-memory is being used, otherwise we found(contrary to the documetntation) that the parameter defaults to 0, and in-memory query will be disabled in that PDB.

Oracle Notes

  • About memory configuration parameter on each PDBs (Doc ID 2655314.1) – Nov 2023
    • As a best practice, please do not to set SHARED_POOL_SIZE and DB_CACHE_SIZE on each PDBs and please manage automatically by setting SGA_TARGET.
    • "This best practice is confirmed by development in Bug 30692720"
    • Bug 30692720 discusses how the parameters are validated.  Eg. "Sum(PDB sga size) > CDB sga size"
    • Bug 34079542: "Unset sga_min_size parameter in PDB."

Monday, March 11, 2024

PSFT_PLAN: A Sample Oracle Database Resource Manager Plan for PeopleSoft

In the cloud (or any virtualised environment), performance is instrumented as cost.  This is also true in any other on-premises environment, but it takes a lot longer to feedback!
  • If you never run out of CPU, then you have probably bought/rented/allocated/licensed too many CPUs.
  • If you do run out of CPU, then you should use the database resource manager to prioritise the processes that are most important to the business.
  • If you don't enable the resource manager, you will have less visibility of when you do run out of CPU.
At the very least, you can use one of the sample resource manager plans available in the Oracle database by default.  
This article proposes a resource plan for PeopleSoft systems.  It can be used as a starting point before enhancing it with your own specific requirements.  

Resource Plan Design Goals

The purpose of a database resource plan is to prioritise important/urgent processes over less important/less urgent processes by allocating CPU, to the higher priority processes, and by restricting CPU, other resources, and the degree of parallelism for lower priority processes.
The design of a resource plan should reflect what the business defines as important.  

Consumer Groups

A resource plan consists of several resource groups with different priorities, and resource allocations. Each priority level defined by the business becomes a consumer group in the resource plan.  A consumer group can be allocated to one of 8 priority levels in a resource plan.  Multiple consumer groups can exist at the same priority level with different CPU guarantees (adding up to not more than 100%) and can include other limits.
I have made some assumptions about process priorities in a typical PeopleSoft system, and have grouped and ranked them in the table below starting with the highest priority.  Not all customers run all these processes.  Consumer groups and mappings that are not needed can be omitted. There are gaps in the priority levels to allow for other definitions to be introduced.
Priority Level Consumer Group %CPU Guarantee Comment
100% Oracle system processes. Defined automatically.
100% Any process that connects to the database as either SYSADM (the default PeopleSoft owner ID) or PS has higher priority than other processes unless other rules apply. The online application (other than ad hoc query) falls into this category so that the online user experience is safeguarded before other PeopleSoft processes.
This includes remote call Cobol processes, but not remote call Application Engine that should be run in the component processor.
100% Process scheduler processes, and processes run by the process schedulers
100% nVision (NVSRUN) and nVision report book (RPTBOOK) processes
90%Ad hoc queries are allocated to one of three consumer groups with the same priority, but different CPU guarantees, comprising:
  • on-line PS/Queries,
  • nVision reports run through the PIA,
  • PS/Queries run on the process scheduler using the PSQUERY application engine. A 4-hour maximum runtime limit is defined.
  • nVision through the 3-tier nVision client
1%Other low-priority processes
1%Other low-priority processes, but whose maximum query time is limited.
1%All other processes.  Defined automatically.

Consumer Group Mapping Priority

Sessions are allocated to the consumer groups.  They can be allocated explicitly, or via mapping rules that use various session attributes. As the attributes are set or changed, the consumer group will be set according to the matching rules.  
I have set the following attributes to be mapped in the following order of precedence.  The more specific mappings take precedence over the more generic ones.
PriorityMapping Attribute Comment
2Module, ActionThe PIA instrumentation sets attributes MODULE to the component name and ACTION to the page name. Specific component pages are allocated to specific consumer groups
3ModuleSpecific scheduled processes are allocated by name to specific consumer groups.  PeopleSoft instrumentation puts this name in the MODULE attribute.
4Client ProgramBatch and query processes are identified by program name and allocated to certain consumer groups.
5Oracle UserAnything that connects to the database as either SYSADM or PS is allocated to the PSFT_GROUP. So other mapping rules must take precedence over this mapping.

Required PeopleSoft Configuration

The PSFT_PLAN sample resource manager plan relies on MODULE and ACTION being set by the PeopleSoft Application.  Therefore, the following additional configuration is required.
  • Enable PeopleSoft instrumentation: Set EnableAEMonitoring=1 in ALL PeopleSoft application server and process scheduler domains so that PeopleSoft processes set MODULE and ACTION information in the session attributes (using DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO).  
See also:
  • Install instrumentation trigger for PeopleSoft (psftapi.sql).  Not all PeopleSoft processes are instrumented.  COBOL, SQR, and nVision do not set MODULE or ACTION.  When a PeopleSoft process is started by the process scheduler, the first thing it does is set its own status to 7, meaning that it is processing.  This script creates a database trigger that fires on that DML and sets the session attributes MODULE to the name of the process and ACTION to the process instance number.  Application Engine processes may then subsequently update these values again.

Consumer Group Mappings

Consumer groups are matched to session attributes.  The highest priority matching mapping is applied.  Mappings can be matched to literal values, or with LIKE or REGEXP_LIKE operations.
Mapping Priority Attribute Value Consumer
Consumer Group
SQL Developer

Resource Plan Script

Two SQL scripts are available on GitHub

Other Options

There are other resource manager options that are either not illustrated in the sample plan, or that are commented out.  They may be worth considering in some situations.

  • PeopleSoft does not use parallel query by default, but if you do use it, you may well want to limit which processes use how much parallelism.  Consumer groups can specify a limit to the parallel query degree.
    • If you use the resource plan to restrict the degree of parallelism, and you also plan to vary the number of CPUs in a cloud environment, then I suggest creating a resource plan for each number of CPUs and switch between the plans by changing the setting of  the RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN parameter.

    'PSFT_PLAN', 'NVISION_GROUP', 'nVision Reports.'
    ,mgmt_p5 => 100
  • A parallel query may queue waiting to obtain sufficient parallel query server processes.  A timeout can be specified to limit that wait and to determine the behaviour when the timeout is reached.  The query can either be cancelled raising error ORA-07454, or run at a reduced parallelism).

    ,mgmt_p6 => 90
  • A consumer group can restrict queries that run for a long time, or that are expected to run for a long time based on their optimizer cost.  They can be switched to the CANCEL_SQL group after a number of seconds and they will terminate with ORA-00040: active time limit exceeded - call aborted:.  This has only specified for the LOW_LIMITED_GROUP, and the PSQUERY_BATCH_GROUP for scheduled queries because the message is captured by the process scheduler and logged.  It has not been specified for PSQUERY_ONLINE_GROUP because this error is not handled well by the online application.  Just the Oracle error message will be displayed to the user without further explanation, which is neither friendly nor helpful.  Instead, there are PeopleSoft configuration options to limit query runtime.
    ,mgmt_p6 => 1
    ,switch_group => 'CANCEL_SQL'
    ,switch_time => 14400
    ,switch_estimate => TRUE 
    ,switch_for_call => TRUE
  • Sometimes customers may have different priorities at different times that cannot be satisfied by a single resource plan.  In this case, different resource plans can be activated at different times by different scheduler windows. 

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