What is the Problem?
Managing Queries Scheduled on the Process Scheduler
- There is no limit to the number of queries that users can initiate concurrently.
- The number that can actually execute concurrently is limited by the number of PSQRYSRV processes in each application server domain. Any additional requests will simply queue up in Tuxedo.
- It is possible to set maximum execution times in the PeopleSoft configuration, on the ICQuery service on the PSQRYSRV server in the application server.
- A system-wide maximum number of concurrently executing instances of the application engine program can be set on the process definition.
- A maximum number of concurrently executing instances of the application engine program per process scheduler can be set (by using a process class).
- The application engine, or its process class, can be given a lower priority so that other queued processes are run in preference.
PS/Queries run either in the PIA or on the process scheduler can be mapped to low-priority consumer groups in an Oracle database resource manager plan so that they do not starve the rest of the system of CPU (see PeopleSoft DBA Blog: PSFT_PLAN: A Sample Oracle Database Resource Manager Plan for PeopleSoft).
A maximum run time, or maximum estimated run time, can be defined for a consumer group. If the limit is breached an Oracle error is raised: ORA-00040: active time limit exceeded - call aborted. In the PIA, the error message is simply presented to the user. The scheduled PSQUERY application engine process will terminate and the error will be logged. In both cases, the user has to recognise the error message and understand what it means. Otherwise, they will raise the issue with support.
The various methods of setting maximum execution time limits are quite blunt instruments. They are essentially one-size-fits-all approaches. Typically, some queries are expected to run for a long time, and then the limits must be set to accommodate them.
Queries Scheduled on the Process Scheduler
I can query who has run which queries, and how long they ran for. Simply outer join the run control record for the PSQUERY application engine (PS_QUERY_RUN_CNTL) to the process scheduler request table (PSPRCSRQST).
REM qry_missingjoins.sql
WITH x as (
SELECT r.prcsinstance, r.oprid, r.runcntlid
, DECODE(c.private_query_flag,'Y','Private','N','Public') private_query_flag, c.qryname
, CAST(begindttm AS DATE) begindttm
, CAST(enddttm AS DATE) enddttm
, runstatus
, (CAST(NVL(enddttm,SYSDATE) AS DATE)-CAST(begindttm AS DATE))*86400 exec_Secs
FROM psprcsrqst r
LEFT OUTER JOIN ps_query_run_cntrl c ON c.oprid = r.oprid AND c.run_cntl_id = r.runcntlid
WHERE prcsname = 'PSQUERY'
AND r.begindttm >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)-0+8/24 /*from 8am*/
AND r.begindttm <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)-0+19/24 /*to 7pm*/
WHERE exec_Secs >= 300 /*Over 5 minutes*/
ORDER BY exec_secs desc /*descending order of elapsed time*/
Process Private Run Exec
--------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------- ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ---- -------
12344471 F****** ***AM_FIN_GL_AP Public ***AM_FIN_GL_AP 10:06:21 19.**.** 19:08:52 19.**.** 8 32551
12344342 N****** ownxxxxxxxxxxxx Public ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_***_V2 09:41:58 19.**.** 18:20:09 19.**.** 10 31091
12344336 N****** ojnxxxxxxxxxx Public ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_*** 09:40:27 19.**.** 16:51:11 19.**.** 10 25844
12345209 N****** eowxxxxxxxxxxxxx Public ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_*** 12:41:17 19.**.** 19:08:30 19.**.** 8 23233
12345213 N****** iwoxxxxxxxxxxxxx Public ***_TRIAL_BALANCE_BY_BU_***_V2 12:41:53 19.**.** 19:08:56 19.**.** 8 23223
12345574 B****** gl Private ***_GL_BJU 14:27:32 19.**.** 19:08:59 19.**.** 8 16887
12345681 B****** gl Private ***_GL_BJU 14:51:06 19.**.** 19:09:02 19.**.** 8 15476
12345852 W****** insolvents Public ***INSOLVENTS_JRNL_DETAIL 15:24:41 19.**.** 19:09:04 19.**.** 8 13463
sum 268112
- Some details have been redacted from this real-world example.
- The result is not guaranteed to be completely accurate. A user might have reused a run control record and can only get the current value.
- This and other scripts can be downloaded from GitHub davidkurtz/psscripts.
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