Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 2. What happens during SQL Parse? What is a 'hard' parse? What is a 'soft' parse?

This is the second in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

  1. Introduction
  2. What happens during SQL Parse?  What is a 'hard' parse?  What is a 'soft' parse?  The additional overhead of a hard parse.
  3. How to set CURSOR_SHARING for specific scheduled processes.
  4. How to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.

To understand why cursor sharing can be beneficial it is necessary to understand

  • What happens when Oracle parses and executes a SQL statement?.
  • How some PeopleSoft processes dynamically construct SQL statements

SQL Processing: 'Hard' Parse -v- 'Soft' Parse

Oracle SQL Parse Flow
SQL parse processing is set out in various places in the Oracle database documentation
When a statement is submitted to the database it goes through a number of stages of parsing before it is executed. 
  • Syntax Check: Is the statement syntactically valid?
  • Semantic Check:  Is the statement meaningful?  Do the referenced objects exist and is the user allowed to access them?
  • SGA Check: Does the statement already exist in the shared SQL area?  
The database looks for an exact matching statement in the shared SQL area. If it is not found, the database must perform additional tasks called 'hard' parsing.  The stages performed up to this point are referred to as 'soft parsing'.
  • Generation of the optimal execution plan
  • Row Source Generation - The execution plan is used to generate an iterative execution plan that is usable by the rest of the database.
Thus the Oracle Database must perform a 'hard' parse at least once for every unique DML statement.

What is Cursor Sharing?

A cursor is a name or handle for a private SQL area that contains session-specific information about a statement, including bind variables, state information and result sets.  A cursor in the private area points to the shared SQL area in the library cache that contains the parse tree and execution plan for a statement.  Multiple private areas can reference a single shared SQL area.  This is known as cursor sharing.

The database allows only textually identical statements to share a cursor. By default, the CURSOR_SHARING parameter is set to EXACT, and thus is disabled.  "The optimizer generates a plan for each statement based on the literal value."
When CURSOR_SHARING is set to FORCE, the database replaces literal values with system-generated variables.  The database still only exactly matches statements, but after the literal values have been substituted, thus giving the appearance of matching statements that differ only by their literal values.  "For statements that are identical after bind variables replace the literals, the optimizer uses the same plan. Using this technique, the database can sometimes reduce the number of parent cursors in the shared SQL area." The database only performs a soft parse.  
In systems, such as PeopleSoft, that generate many distinct statements, cursor sharing can significantly reduce hard parse, and therefore CPU and time spent on it.

Sources of Hard Parse in PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft has a deserved reputation for suffering from high volumes of SQL hard parse.  Generally, the cause of this is dynamically generated code.  Often each statement has different literal values. 
  • In Application Engine, %BIND() resolves to a literal value rather than bind variable in the resulting SQL statement unless the ReUseStatement attribute is enabled.  The problem is that it is disabled by default, and there are limitations to when it can be set.
  • Dynamic statements in COBOL processes.  This is effectively the same behaviour as Application Engine, but here the dynamic generation of SQL is hard-coded in the COBOL from a combination of static fragments and configuration data. PeopleSoft COBOL programs generally just embed literal values in such statements because it is easier than creating dynamic SQL statements with possibly varying numbers of bind variables.
  • In nVision where 'dynamic selectors' and 'use literal values' tree performance options are selected.  These settings are often preferable because the resulting SQL statements can make effective use of Bloom filters and Hybrid Column Compression (on Exadata).  The penalty is that it can lead to more hard parse operations.

ReUseStatement -v- Cursor  Sharing

Of course, it would be better if PeopleSoft SQL used bind variables more often, rather than literal values. 
In Application Engine, if the ReUseStatement attribute is set on a step, then bind variables in Application Engine remain bind variables in the resulting SQL and are not converted back to literals.  
This can reduce both the amount of time Application Engine spends dynamically generating SQL statements before submitting them to the database as well as the time the database spends parsing them (see Minimising Parse Time in Application Engine with ReUseStatement). 
However, this attribute is not set by default on newly created Application Engine steps in Application Designer.  This was to maintain backward compatibility with programs created in earlier versions of PeopleTools.
However, there are restrictions to where it cannot be used.  Most commonly because %BIND(…NOQUOTES) has been used to dynamically generate part of the statement based on configuration data.
Over the years, PeopleSoft development has got much better at setting this attribute where possible in the delivered application code.  Nonetheless, there are still places where it could be added.  
See also:
However, there are some considerations before we add it ourselves.
  • ReUseStatement cannot be introduced across the board, but only on steps that meet certain criteria set out in the documentation.  It doesn't work when dynamic code is generated with %BIND(…,NOQUOTES), or if a %BIND() is used in a SELECT clause.  Worse, setting this attribute incorrectly can cause the application to function incorrectly.  So each change has to be tested carefully.
  • When a customer sets the ReUseStatement attribute in the delivered code, it is a customisation to an Application Engine step that has to be migrated using Application Designer.  It then has to be maintained to ensure that subsequent PeopleSoft releases and patches do not revert it.
  • There is no equivalent option for PeopleSoft COBOL, SQR, or nVision.  The way that SQL is generated in each is effectively hard-coded.

Recommendation: It is not a case of either ReUseStatement or Cursor Sharing.  It may be both.  If you are writing your own Application Engine code, or customising delivered code anyway, then it is usually advantageous to set ReUseStatement where you can.  You will save non-database execution time as well as database time because you are then using bind variables, and Application Engine does not have to spend time generating the text of a new SQL statement with new literal values for every execution.  You may still benefit from cursor sharing for statements where you cannot set ReUseStatement.  

However, as you will see in the last article in this series, cursor sharing is not always effective, you have to test.

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