It is a fairly easy matter to configure Fine-Grained Auditing (FGA) in Oracle, you have to create a policy with the DBMS_FGA package. You can choose which columns to audit and a logical audit condition to determine whether the rows should be audited. This example will log users who query salary data from the JOB record in PeopleSoft.
BEGIN sys.dbms_fga.add_policy (object_schema=>'SYSADM' ,object_name=>'PS_JOB' ,policy_name=>'JOB_SALARY' ,audit_condition=>'ANNUAL_RT != 0 OR MONTHLY_RT != 0 OR DAILY_RT != 0 OR HOURLY_RT != 0 OR SHIFT_RT != 0 OR SHIFT_FACTOR != 0' ,audit_column=>'ANNUAL_RT, MONTHLY_RT, DAILY_RT, HOURLY_RT, SHIFT_RT, SHIFT_FACTOR' ,enable=>TRUE ,statement_types=>'SELECT' ,handler_schema=>'SYS' ,handler_module=>'dmk_fga_hand( object_schema, object_name, policy_name)' ,audit_trail=>DBMS_FGA.DB + DBMS_FGA.EXTENDED ,audit_column_opts=>DBMS_FGA.ANY_COLUMNS); END; /
Be aware that if the audit condition raises an error for any inspected row (such as an error caused by coercion), the audited query will also fail. There will be nothing in the message to suggest that it is caused by FGA, and so it can be difficult to diagnose and debug.
I chose to save the audit data to a table in the database, but alternatively, you can output the audit data as an XML data structure in a flat-file written by setting:
, audit_trail=>DBMS_FGA.XML
And this is the data the Oracle records in the table.
SESSIONID DBUID OSUID OSHST --------- -------- ------------------ ---------------------- EXTID OBJ$SCHEMA OBJ$NAME POLICYNAME ---------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SCN LSQLTEXT STMT_TYPE --------- ----------------------------------- ---------- NTIMESTAMP# INSTANCE# PROCESS# STATEMENT ------------------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ENTRYID LSQLBIND ---------- ----------------------------------- 1927 SYSADM GO-FASTER-4\David GO-FASTER\GO-FASTER-4 GO-FASTER-4\David SYSADM PS_JOB JOB_SALARY 6375305 SELECT EMPLID, EMPL_RCD, EFFDT, T 1 23-JUL-07 0 6856:11944 12104 2 #1(6):K0G004 #2(1):0
We need to collect some more information from the session.
If you use database triggers to audit updates in PeopleSoft, they obtain the PeopleSoft operator ID from the client information string that is set by a call to the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package at the start of every service in the application server. They extract the operator ID with a function called GET_PS_OPRID (delivered in getpsoprid.sql).
You can’t put a trigger on the audit table (SYS.FGA_LOG$) because it is owned by SYS, but we could use the error handler to call a custom PL/SQL procedure. The handler module is fired every time an audit record is written. It is intended to permit a notification to be sent on audit to the DBA when a policy is breached. But we could use it for a different purpose. The handler runs in the same session as the process that performs the audited action. So I can collect information about the session and write it to another audit table that I have created.
CREATE TABLE sys.dmk_fga (timestamp# DATE ,object_schema VARCHAR2(30) ,object_name VARCHAR2(128) ,policy_name VARCHAR2(30) ,ntimestamp# TIMESTAMP ,instance# INTEGER ,sessionid INTEGER ,entryid INTEGER ,scn INTEGER ,action VARCHAR2(32) ,module VARCHAR2(48) ,client_info VARCHAR2(64) ); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE dmk_fga_hand ( object_schema VARCHAR2, object_name VARCHAR2, policy_name VARCHAR2 ) AS l_client_info VARCHAR2(64); l_action varchar2(32); l_module varchar2(48); BEGIN sys.dbms_application_info.read_client_info(l_client_info); sys.dbms_application_info.read_module(l_module, l_action); INSERT INTO dmk_fga (timestamp#, ntimestamp# , object_schema, object_name, policy_name , instance# , sessionid, entryid , scn, client_info, action, module) SELECT sysdate, systimestamp , object_schema, object_name, policy_name , i.instance_number , USERENV('SESSIONID'), USERENV('ENTRYID') , d.current_scn, l_client_info, l_action, l_module FROM v$database d, v$instance i WHERE rownum <= 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; /
TIMESTAMP# OBJECT_SCH OBJECT_NAM POLICY_NAM ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- NTIMESTAMP# INSTANCE# SESSIONID ENTRYID ------------------------- --------- --------- ------- SCN ACTION MODULE --------- -------------------- -------------------- CLIENT_INFO ----------------------------------------------------- 23:00:54 23/07/2007 SYSADM PS_JOB JOB_SALARY 23-JUL-07 1 1927 6 6390779 PSAPPSRV.exe PS,,,HCM89,PSAPPSRV.exe,
set long 5000 SELECT --b.client_info, sysadm.get_ps_oprid(b.client_info) oprid,a.ntimestamp#, a.POLICYNAME ,a.lsqltext, a.lsqlbind FROM sys.fga_log$ a, sys.dmk_fga b WHERE a.sessionid = b.sessionid AND a.entryid = b.entryid ;

I can use the above query to combine the audit data. It this example it shows that operator PS queried salary data for employee
OPRID NTIMESTAMP# POLICYNAME ------------ ------------------------- ---------- LSQLTEXT ---------------------------------------------------- LSQLBIND ---------------------------------------------------- PS 23-JUL-07 JOB_SALARY SELECT EMPLID, EMPL_RCD, EFFDT, TO_CHAR(EFFDT,'YYYY- ... PL_RCD, EFFDT DESC, EFFSEQ DESC #1(6):K0G005 #2(1):0
The ability to audit is all very well, but it comes at a price. It is not difficult to generate a large number of audit rows. In the following PL/SQL block, an audit row is generated for each time the query inside the loop is executed (2050 times on my HR demo database).
DECLARE l_annual_rt NUMBER; BEGIN FOR i IN (SELECT DISTINCT emplid, empl_rcd FROM ps_job WHERE effdt <= SYSDATE) loop SELECT j.annual_rt INTO l_annual_rt FROM ps_job j WHERE j.emplid = i.emplid AND j.empl_rcd = i.empl_rcd AND j.effdt = ( SELECT MAX(j1.effdt) FROM ps_job j1 WHERE j1.emplid = i.emplid AND j1.empl_rcd = i.empl_rcd AND j1.effdt <= SYSDATE) AND j.effseq = ( SELECT MAX(j2.effseq) FROM ps_job j2 WHERE j2.emplid = i.emplid AND j2.empl_rcd = i.empl_rcd AND j2.effdt = j.effdt); END LOOP; END; /
Without FGA
With FGA
Driving Query
Inner Query
Insert into FGA_LOG$ |
| |
Insert into DMK_FGA |
| |
Other time in Exception Handler
| |
I have demonstrated that it is possible to use FGA to monitor who is looking at what in PeopleSoft as well as detecting other forms of break-in. However, it can introduce a significant run-time overhead. The ability to incorporate a custom PL/SQL notification procedure suggests that it is designed with the intention of logging exceptional activities rather than routine one that users are permitted to perform.
While FGA could be used to audit access to sensitive data, I think that row-level security should be set up correctly in PeopleSoft in the first place, so that only duly authorised users can access sensitive data. I suggest that FGA should only be used conservatively to monitor exceptional events.
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