A trace level is set in a process definition in PS_PRCSDEFN precedence over a trace level set in the process scheduler configuration file (psprcs.cfg).
I often set the process scheduler trace level for Application Engine to 1152 to enable batch timings to both the database batch timings tables and the AE trace file, but then I often find that a trace is left enabled on a few processes to aid performance analysis of a troublesome process.
This script updates the trace level set in the parameter list in the process definition to include the bit flags set by 1152 (to enable batch timings).
- The current trace level is extracted with regular expression substring functions.
- A bitwise OR is performed between the current trace level and the desired settings. There is no single function to do this in Oracle SQL, but it can be calculated simply (see Oracle blog: There is no BITOR() in Oracle SQL).
- The old trace value is replaced with the new one in the parameter list with a regular expression replace function.
- The version number on the process definition is also updated as it would be if updated by the process definition component in the PIA. Thus it is correctly re-cached by the process scheduler, the scheduler does not need to be recycled, nor does the cache need to be cleared
The script is available on Github.
REM fixprcstracelevel.sql
set pages 99 lines 200 serveroutput on
spool fixprcstracelevel append
l_counter INTEGER := 0;
l_trace_expr VARCHAR2(20); /*expression containing TRACE keyword and value*/
l_req_trace_level INTEGER := 1152; /*trace value set in the scheduler config*/
l_cur_trace_level INTEGER; /*current trace level*/
l_new_trace_level INTEGER; /*new calculated trace level*/
l_parmlist ps_prcsdefn.parmlist%TYPE;
for i in (
FROM ps_prcsdefn t
WHERE UPPER(t.parmlist) LIKE '%-%TRACE%'
AND prcstype LIKE 'Application Engine'
-- AND parmlisttype IN('1','2','3')
l_trace_expr := REGEXP_SUBSTR(i.parmlist,'\-trace[ ]*[0-9]+',1,1,'i');
l_cur_trace_level := TO_NUMBER(REGEXP_SUBSTR(l_trace_expr,'[0-9]+',1,1,'i'));
l_new_trace_level := l_req_trace_level+l_cur_trace_level-bitand(l_cur_trace_level,l_req_trace_level);
l_parmlist := REGEXP_REPLACE(i.parmlist,l_trace_expr,'-TRACE '||l_new_trace_level,1,1,'i');
IF l_new_trace_level = l_cur_trace_level THEN
dbms_output.put_line(i.prcstype||':'||i.prcsname||':'||i.parmlist||'=>No Change');
l_counter := l_counter + 1;
IF l_counter = 1 THEN
UPDATE psversion
SET version = version+1
WHERE objecttypename IN('SYS','PPC');
UPDATE pslock
SET version = version+1
WHERE objecttypename IN('SYS','PPC');
dbms_output.put_line(l_counter||':'||i.prcstype||' '||i.prcsname||':'||i.parmlist||'=>'||l_parmlist);
UPDATE ps_prcsdefn
SET version = (SELECT version FROM psversion WHERE objecttypename = 'PPC')
, parmlist = l_parmlist
WHERE prcstype = i.prcstype
AND prcsname = i.prcsname;
spool off
The script reports the old and new parameter list setting for each process definition altered. Application Engine:GL_JEDIT:-TRACE 1159=>No Change
1:Application Engine PTDEFSECINRL:-toolstacepc 2048 -toolstracesql 15 -TRACE 15=>-toolstacepc 2048 -toolstracesql 15 -TRACE 1167
- TRACE for GL_JEDIT is already 1159, so no change is required.
- TRACE for PTDEFSECINRL was changed from 15 to 1167.