Monday, December 02, 2019

Practical Application Performance Tuning: An nVision Case Study

I gave this presentation at the UKOUG Techfest 19 conference.  It is closely based on a previous presentation about PeopleSoft nVision performance tuning, and uses the experience of a PeopleSoft project as a case study, so I am also posting both here on my PeopleSoft blog, and also on my Oracle blog.
This video was produced as a part of the preparation for this session.  The slide deck is also available on my website.

Learning about and understanding the principles and mechanics of the Oracle database is fundamentally important for both DBAs and developers. It is one of the reasons we still physical conferences.
This presentation tells the story of a performance tuning project for the GL reporting on a Financials system on an engineered system. It required various techniques and features to be brought to bear. Having a theoretical understanding of how the database and various features work allowed us to make reasonable predictions about whether they would be effective in our environment. Some ideas were discounted, some were taken forward.
We will look at instrumentation, ASH, statistics collection, partitioning, hybrid columnar compression, Bloom filtering, SQL profiles. All of them played a part in the solution, some added further complications that had to be worked around, some had to be carefully integrated with the application, and some required some reconfiguration of the application into order to work properly.
Ultimately, performance improvement is an experimental science, and it requires a similar rigorous thought process.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

nVision Bug in PeopleTools 8.55/8.56 Impacts Performance

I have recently come across an interesting bug in nVision that has a significant performance impact on nVision reports in particular and can impact the database as a whole.

Problem nVision SQL

This is an example of the problematic SQL generated by nVision.  The problem is that all of the SQL looks like this. There is never any group by clause, nor any grouping columns in the select clause in from of the SUM().
Each query only returns a single row, that only populates a single cell in the report, and therefore a different SQL statement is generated and executed for every cell in the report.  Therefore, more statements are parsed and executed, and more scans of the ledger indexes and look-ups of the ledger table and performed.  This consumes more CPU, more logical I/O.

Normal nVision SQL

This is how I would expect normal nVision SQL to look.  This example, although obfuscated, came from a real customer system.  Note how the query is grouped by TREE_NODE_NUM from two of the tree selector tables, so this one query now populates a block of cells.
AND A.CHARTFIELD1='0012345' 

The Bug

This Oracle note details an nVision bug:
"UPTO SET2A-C Fixes - Details-only nPlosion not happening for Single Chart-field nPlosion Criteria.
And also encountered a performance issue when enabled details-only nPlosion for most of the row criteria in the same layout
Issue was introduced on build 8.55.19.
Condition: When most of the row filter criteria enabled Details-only nPlosion. This is solved in 8.55.22 & 8.56.07.
UPTO SET3 Fixes - Performance issue due to the SET2A-C fixes has solved but encountered new one. Performance issue when first chart-field is same for most of the row criteria in the same layout.
Issue was introduced on builds 8.55.22 & 8.56.07.
Condition: When most of the filter criteria’s first chart-field is same. The issue is solved in 8.55.25 & 8.56.10."

In summary

  • Bug introduced in PeopleTools 8.55.19, fully resolved in 8.55.25.
  • Bug introduced in PeopleTools 8.56.07, fully resolved in 8.56.10.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Which Version Number Corresponds To Which PeopleTools Object?

Recently somebody asked me "Our “CRM” values in PSLOCK and PSVERSION are growing tremendously and we don’t know why. We will be opening a case with Oracle but … do you know what that “CRM” value is related to? We are not using the CRM product in our PeopleSoft installation."
There is some documentation on the Oracle Support website, but it is not exhaustive and may not be completely up to date.
The page in the PTRef utility that describes the relationship of version numbers to PeopleTools tables is one of the few static pages in the tool.  I have now updated it with the information in the above Oracle support notes, but there are other version numbers.
In the previous blog post, I showed how to increment version numbers before updating PeopleTools objects.  I knew RDM (the Record Definition Manager) is the OBJECTTYPENAME for PSRECDEFN because I worked that out by tracing Application Designer while it saved a record change.  That remains the only completely reliable way to determine the relationship.
However, version number matching is also a useful technique, though when it does not provide a completely definitive answer, it dramatically cuts down the amount of work then necessary.
I have written a little PL/SQL code, that is delivered with PTRef, that extracts the maximum version number for each PeopleTools table in PeopleSoft (other than the PS%DEL) tables and stores it on a working storage table (I used the PLAN_TABLE because it is always there on an Oracle database).  Then you can compare the version number on PSLOCK/PSVERSION with the maximum version on the PeopleTools object.
If the version number is 1, you can’t do the match because the version number has never been incremented, at least since it was last reset by the VERSION application engine.
If the version is only updated occasionally you may have some trouble with duplicate matches. In my example, 3 tables have a maximum version number of 80, while only one version number is 80.
RECNAME                   MAX        CNT
------------------ ---------- ----------
PSAEAPPLDEFN               80       3504
PSMSGNODEDEFN              80         78
PSOPRVERDFN                80       1468
I would guess that OPRVM matches PSOPRVERDFN, and the above support notes confirm this, but otherwise, you would have to check that manually with trace.
-------- ----------
OPRVM            80
Higher version numbers are easier to match because they are less likely to have duplicate matches.
So to return to the original question, what is CRM?  In my sample system, version numbers CRM and SCATM are both 3.
-------- ----------
CRM               3
SCATM             3
However, only PSCONTDEFN has a maximum version of 3.
RECNAME                   MAX        CNT
------------------ ---------- ----------
PSCONTDEFN                  3       7567
Again not a perfect match, but again Oracle Support Note 664848.1 confirms that CRM corresponds to PSCONTDEFN.  CRM stands for Content Registry Manager.
So the question now becomes what is updating the content definitions, and hence increasing the version number?  It turned out to be an entity registry synchronisation process that was run daily.
It is perfectly legitimate for many updated rows on the PeopleTools table can be given the same version number.  The version number does not need to be incremented again for each row being updated, but then the row-level locks on PSVERSION and PSLOCK created by their updates must be held until the update on the PeopleTools table is committed.  That can increase contention on the version number update.  The alternative is to commit after each update and then increment the version numbers again.  Many PeopleSoft processes do exactly that, and it can, in turn, lead to massive increase in some version numbers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Understanding PeopleTools Object Version Numbers

I was recently asked a question about PeopleSoft version numbers, but before I address that directly, I think it would be useful to explain what is their general purpose.


The PeopleSoft data model and application are mostly stored in the database in PeopleTools tables.  These tables are queried as the application executes.  For example, when you open a component, the component and pages, including all the PeopleCode, the definition of any records used, and so on have to be loaded into the component buffer.  Ultimately this information comes from the PeopleTools tables.  To save the overhead of repeatedly querying these tables, PeopleSoft caches this data locally in physical files the application server and process scheduler domains.  The application servers also cache some of this information in memory to save visiting the local physical cache.  Application Designer also maintains a physical cache.
Over time, as the application executes, the cache files build up.  Occasionally, when it is necessary to delete the cache files and then it becomes clear just how significant is the overhead of the PeopleTools queries as a period of poor performance is seen as the application builds up fresh cache files.
Physical cache files are created in directories in the application server and process scheduler Tuxedo domains.  By default, each process maintains its own private cache.  Separate directories of cache files are created for each type of PeopleSoft server process in each domain.    Pairs of cache files are created in each directory for each object type as needed.  There is also a CACHE.LOK file in each directory that is used to ensure that only one process is accessing that cache directory concurrently.
It is possible to run with a shared physical cache, but then it is read-only and must be pre-generated.  It is very rare to see this implemented, because everyone expects to continuously deliver changes over time, and if you had a shared cache you would have to deliver an updated set of shared cache file to every domain every time you delivered a new PeopleTools object.
The cache files come in pairs.  The name of the cache files is the Object Type Name.  This corresponds to the OBJECTTYPENAME on the PSLOCK and PSVERSION tables.  The .DAT file contains the data to be cached.  The .KEY file is an index for the .DAT file, and it also holds the version number of the cached object.
-rw------- 1 psadm2 oracle  5228492 Jun 12 06:37 RDM.DAT
-rw------- 1 psadm2 oracle    69120 Jun 12 06:37 RDM.KEY
-rw------- 1 psadm2 oracle        0 Oct 26  2015 ROLM.DAT
-rw------- 1 psadm2 oracle    24192 Oct 26  2015 ROLM.KEY
-rw------- 1 psadm2 oracle        0 Oct 26  2015 RSM.DAT
-rw------- 1 psadm2 oracle    24192 Oct 26  2015 RSM.KEY

Version Numbers

Version numbers track when a cached PeopleTools object has been changed, either by Application Designer, or a change in configuration, or the application.  The version numbers are sequences generated from two PeopleTools tables PSLOCK and PSVERSION that hold the highest version number for each type of object.  These two tables have the same structure.
SQL> desc psversion
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 OBJECTTYPENAME                            NOT NULL VARCHAR2(8 CHAR)
 VERSION                                   NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
There are now over 100 different version numbers, each with a specific object type name that each track a specific PeopleTools object.  There is a global version number, with the object type name of SYS, that is incremented whenever any other version number is incremented.
I have no idea why two identical tables of version numbers were created.  I can see no reason for this, but it has been like this since the version numbers were changed (if I remember correctly) in PeopleTools 7.  In early versions of PeopleTools, not all version numbers were on both tables, but in at least PeopleTools 8.55 only one object type appears on PSVERSION and not PSLOCK.
When an object is changed, the object and global version numbers are incremented, and the incremented object version number is recorded on the object in the PeopleTools table.  The version number on the object is also stored in the physical cache files when the object is cached.  If the version on the database is higher than that in the cache file, then the PeopleSoft process knows it must query the latest version from the PeopleTools table and update the cache file.

How to Update Version Numbers

It is not generally recommended, nor strictly speaking, supported to update PeopleTools tables directly with SQL.  Apart from the risk of updating them incorrectly, or to invalid values, you also need to ensure that the changes are picked up by PeopleTools processes and that they do not simply continue to read the cached data.  However, occasionally, it is the pragmatic way to doing something.  
Here is an example from Chapter 5 of PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA that shows how to maintain version numbers so the change is picked up by PeopleTools processes.  I want to mark alternate search key indexes as unique where there is a unique key on a record because they are unique because the unique key is a subset of their columns.  Then Application Designer will build the indexes as unique.  
UPDATE psversion SET version = version + 1
WHERE objecttypename IN('SYS','RDM');

UPDATE pslock SET version = version + 1
WHERE objecttypename IN('SYS','RDM');

UPDATE psrecdefn
SET version = (
SELECT version FROM psversion WHERE objecttypename = 'RDM')
WHERE recname = '';

UPDATE psindexdefn a
SET a.uniqueflag = 1
WHERE a.uniqueflag = 0
AND a.indextype = 3
  SELECT 'x'
  FROM psindexdefn k
  WHERE k.recname = a.recname
  AND k.indexid = '_'
  AND k.indextype = 1
  AND k.uniqueflag = 1)
AND a.recname = '';
I am updating a PeopleTools object (PSINDEXDEFN) that doesn't have a version number, but its parent is PSRECDEFN that does have a version number.  I happen to know that object type RDM (the Record Definition Manager) generates the version number for PSRECDEFN.  I found that out by tracing Application Designer while it saved a record change.  That is the only completely reliable method to determine which sequence is used for which record.  However, I will discuss another less onerous matching method in a subsequent blog post.
I must increment the RDM and SYS version numbers and write the new RDM version number to the updated rows on PSRECDEFN.  Next time a PeopleSoft process needs to read a record definition it will check the version numbers.  The increment of the SYS object tells PeopleSoft than an object number has changed, and then it will detect that the RDM version number has changed so it has to reload and cache objects with version numbers greater than the last cached version number for that object.

Sunday, June 09, 2019

PeopleTools Table Reference Generator

Like many other PeopleSoft professionals, I spend a lot of time looking at the PeopleTools tables because they contain meta-data about the PeopleSoft application. Much of the application is stored in PeopleTools tables. Some provide information about the Data Model. Many of my utility scripts reference the PeopleTools tables, some of them update them too. Therefore, it is very helpful to be able to understand what is in these tables. In PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA, I discussed some tables that are of regular interest. I included the tables that correspond to the database catalogue and that are used during the PeopleSoft login procedure. The tables that are maintained by the process scheduler are valuable because they contain information about who ran what process when, and how long they ran for.
I am not the only person to have started to document the PeopleTools tables on their website or blog, most people have picked a few tables that are of particular interest. I wanted to produce a complete reference.  However, with over 4000 PeopleTools tables and views, it is simply not viable to do even a significant number of them manually.  So, I wrote some SQL and PL/SQL to dynamically generate a page for each PeopleTools table and views and put the generated pages on my website.  If you use Google to search for a PeopleTools name you will probably find the reference page.
I have now revisited that code and made a number of changes and improvements.
  • I have used a later version of PeopleTools to generate the reference on my website.  The list of PeopleTools tables is no longer defined in PeopleTools by object security, so I have used an independent and somewhat broader definition: Table or View records that are either owned by PPT or whose SQLTABLENAME is the same as the record name.
  • There is much less reliance on static pages.  There are now only 3 such pages everything else is generated.  Instead, additional data is loaded from static scripts into the PLAN_TABLE that should always be present in an Oracle database and so it doesn't have to be created.  It should be a global temporary table so there is no problem with debris being left behind or interference with other processes.  That data is then combined with data in the PeopleTools tables during the generation process.
  • The utility has been rewritten as a PL/SQL package that should be created in the PeopleSoft Owner ID schema (usually SYSADM).
  • The generated HTML is simply tidier, and more consistent.
The source is available on GitHub at, so you can download and generate your own reference on your own current version of PeopleTools. An example of the generated output can be found on my website.
The idea of the original PeopleTools tables reference was the people could contribute additional descriptions and information that were not in the PeopleTools tables.  That can still happen, and indeed should be easier, by making changes to the scripts that load the additional data and uploading new versions to GitHub.

Friday, June 07, 2019

PS360 enhancement: Added report of DDL models

I have written several blogs and presentations recently about how and how not to collect statistics in PeopleSoft.
  • Managing Cost-Based Optimizer Statistics for PeopleSoft recommends
    • If you are going to continue to use DBMS_STATS in the DDL model then
      • Do not specify ESTIMATE_PERCENT because it disables the hash-based number-of-distinct-values calculation, forcing it to go back to the COUNT(DISTINCT …) method that requires a sort, and may not produce accurate values because it only samples data.
      • Do not specify METHOD_OPT='FOR ALL INDEXED COLUMNS SIZE 1' because this will not collect histograms on indexed columns, and will not update column statistics on unindexed columns.
      • Do specify FORCE=>TRUE so that you can lock and delete statistics on temporary records.
    • However, the alternative is to use GFCSTATS11 package to collects these statistics.  This package is controlled by a metadata table so you can defined statistics collection behaviour for specific records.
  • How Not to Collect Optimizer Statistics in an Application Engine Program
    • This blog explains why you should not explicitly code DBMS_STATS calls into Application Engine programs.
This has prompted me to add a new report to the PS360 utility that simply reports the various DDL models for Oracle.  Thus during a health check, I can see how statistics are collected during batch processes.

PS360 can be download from

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast: #183 – Effective Performance Monitoring

I recently recorded a podcast with Dan Iverson and Kyle Benson for the PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast, this time about instrumentation, monitoring the performance of PeopleSoft system, and Performance Monitor.  There is also just a little about cursor sharing.

(3 May 2019) #183 – Effective Performance Monitoring

You can listen to the podcast on, or subscribe with your favourite podcast player, or in iTunes.

Friday, March 08, 2019

Effective PeopleSoft Performance Monitoring

This advice note describes how to configure PeopleSoft systems on Oracle so that performance metrics are collected that are useful performance monitoring and subsequent performance tuning.


  • Oracle RDBMS Instrumentation
    • On-Line Component/Page Information
    • Application Engine Step Information
    • Cobol/nVision Instrumentation
    • nVision Layout Instrumentation
    • 2nd Database Connection Instrumentation
  • PeopleTools Performance Metrics
    • Cobol and Application Engine Batch Timings
    • PeopleSoft Performance Monitor

Summary of Recommendations

  • Set EnableAEMonitoring=1 in all Application Server and process scheduler domains in order to enable PeopleSoft instrumentation on-line, in the integration broker, and in Application Engine programs.
  • Implement the PSFTAPI package and trigger described above to set MODULE and ACTION at the start of all processes.
  • Implement Fine-Grained Audit policy and handler to instrument nVision processes if required.
  • Reduce AWR snapshot frequency from the default of 1 hour to every 15 minutes.
  • Enable Application Engine batch timings to at least database and preferably also file by setting AETrace=1152 in all Application Server and Process Scheduler domain configuration files.
  • Enable Cobol statement timings report should be written to log file by setting TraceSQL=128 in all Process Scheduler domain configuration files.
  • Performance Monitor is complex to set up and the delivered analytics are limited.  Nonetheless, the information that can be obtained from the data collected can be worth the effort of configuration to address on-line configuration and performance issues.

Oracle RDBMS Instrumentation

Oracle provides the dbms_application_info package to set certain attributes on the current database session.  These attributes are visible in some of the dynamic performance version, and are picked up by Active Session History (ASH) and can also be seen in AWR reports, Enterprise Manager screens, SQL trace files, and other performance utilities such as EDB360.  The package was first documented in Oracle 7.3.3
"Application developers can use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package to record the name of the executing module or transaction in the database for use later when tracking the performance of various modules… System administrators can also use this information to track resource usage by module. When an application registers with the database, its name and actions are recorded in the V$SESSION and V$SQLAREA views. Your applications should set the name of the module and name of the action automatically each time a user enters that module. The module name could be the name of a … code segment in an … application. The action name should usually be the name or description of the current transaction within a module."
Oracle 7 Tuning, release 7.3.3 ©Oracle 1997, Chapter 23 Registering Applications
See also One of my Favourite Database Things: DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO
If module and action are consistently set to meaningful values as the application executes it is then possible to determine from where SQL statements originated and how different parts of the application are performing.
ASH is separately licenced as part the Diagnostics Pack, that is only available on Enterprise Edition of the database.  However, most PeopleSoft customers running on Oracle do so on Enterprise Edition and are licenced for the diagnostics pack.
PeopleSoft has set client_info since PeopleTools 7.53 so the PeopleSoft operator ID can be associated with the database session, mainly to allow auditing to be done with database triggers.  However, this attribute is not persisted to the ASH data.  However, client_id is also set to the operator ID, and this is collected by ASH.
PeopleTools has set module and action since PeopleTools 8.50, though the exact values used have changed sometimes with the PeopleTools version.
A new application server/process scheduler domain parameter EnableAEMonitoring was introduced in PeopleTools 8.54 to control this behaviour and it is not enabled by default.  If monitoring is not enabled module defaults to the program name and action remains blank.
Recommendation: Set EnableAEMonitoring=1 in all application server and process scheduler domains in order to enable PeopleSoft instrumentation online, in the integration broker, and in Application Engine programs.
See also:

On-Line Component/Page Information

In the online application, module and action are set to the component and page name respectively.  In a search dialogue, Action is set to 'xyzzy'.
In the Integration Broker module and action are set to service name and queue name.

Application Engine Step Information

In Application Engine, module is set to a string that includes the name of the Application Engine main program the was called and the sessionid_num for the current process instance number recorded on the process scheduler request table PSPRCSQUE.  For example: PSAE.PSPMCSOSUM.1448
Later on, it may be necessary to use regular expressions in SQL to process this string before profiling the ASH data.
Action is set to string concatenated from the Application Engine program, section, step name, and step type.  For example: PSPMCSOSUM.GETCNT.CNT.P
The program name may be different from that shown in module if one AE program calls another.
Note: Application Engine still doesn't reset ACTION on DO SELECT steps

Cobol/nVision Instrumentation

Cobol, nVision, and SQR do not set module and action.  Instead, they can be set at the start of every program initiated by Process Scheduler using a trigger on PSPRCSRQST.  The first thing a process does when it is initiated is to set the run status on its scheduler request record to 7, indicating that it is processing.  This is visible in the Process Monitor component.  A trigger on this transition can set module and action for the session to the program and process instance number on that row of data.
This technique was used prior to PeopleSoft adding instrumentation to PeopleTools.  It can still be applied to all processes, including Application Engine because any PeopleSoft instrumentation will simply overwrite the value set by the trigger.
Recommendation: Implement the PSFTAPI package and trigger described above in order to set module and action at the start of all processes.
The same technique was also used prior to the introduction of ASH to enable Oracle SQL Trace if a particular run control was specified, and is still occasionally useful.

nVision Layout Instrumentation

One of the challenges of tuning and monitoring nVision is to be able to identify each report being run.   nVision reports always run as the same process name, either NVSRUN for a single report, RPTBOOK for a report book of many reports, or DRILLDWN for a nVision drill-down query.  Knowing the process instance is useful because then we can look up the operator and run control ID
However, it would also be useful to know the report ID being run.  When each individual nVision report starts it queries the runtime parameters from the PS_NVS_REPORT PeopleTools table.  There is no update, so it is not possible to capture this with a DML trigger.  Instead, it is possible to define a fine-grained audit policy on the query and set module within a PL/SQL handler package that is invoked by the fine-grained audit.
Recommendation: Implement Fine-Grained Audit policy and handler to instrument nVision processes if required

2nd Database Connection Information

PeopleSoft programs use a second database connection to increment sequence numbers to minimise the row-level locking on such tables.  It is like an AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION in PL/SQL.  There is no PeopleSoft instrumentation on this session.  It is possible to use an AFTER LOGON trigger to set client_info, module and action.

Oracle Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Snapshots

PeopleSoft generates a lot of non-shareable SQL.
  • Dynamically generated SQL, often in PeopleCode, concatenates strings of SQL with bind variables, thus the bind variables become literals in the final SQL statement.  Statements with different literal values are considered to be different statements with different SQL_IDs.
  • Similarly, dynamic Cobol statements result in literal values in the SQL statement.
  • %BIND() variables in Application Engine will also become literal values in the SQL Statement unless the ReUseStatement attribute is set on the AE step, however, this cannot be set on statements with dynamic fragments code are introduced with %BIND(…,NOQUOTES).
  • Application Engine programs that use temporary records can use different non-shared instances of the record in different executions, and this also results in different statements with different SQL_IDs.
  • See also Performance Benefits of ReUse Statement Flag in Application Engine
Consequently, the library caching is not particularly efficient in PeopleSoft, and dynamic SQL statements are often quickly aged out of the library cache.  AWR snapshots can only capture the SQL that is in the library cache at the time of the snapshot.  If the SQL statement, or at least a statement with the same force matching signature or plan hash value, cannot be found in the AWR it cannot be identified or analysed.  Therefore, it is advantageous to increase the snapshot frequency on PeopleSoft systems.
Recommendation: Reduce AWR snapshot frequency from the default of 1 hour to every 15 minutes.  This change results in only a modest increase in overhead in processing and space on AWR, but it is worth the additional information that is captured.
This advice also applies to Statspack that may be used if you are not licenced for the Diagnostics Pack.

PeopleTools Performance Metrics

Batch Timings

PeopleSoft Application Engine and Cobol programs can emit batch timings reports on successful completion.
Application Engine
Application Engine batch timings are controlled by the AETrace flag in the Process Scheduler domain configuration file and for on-line AE programs in the Application Server domain configuration files.
  • AETrace=128: batch timings report is written to the AE Trace file to
  • AETrace=1024: batch timings are written to PS_BAT_TIMINGS% tables in the database
The overhead of batch timings is negligible while the program is running because it is accounted in memory and only written to a file or the database when the process completes successfully.
Recommendation: Enable Application Engine batch timings to at least database and preferably also file by setting AETrace=1152 in all Application Server and Process Scheduler domain configuration files.
The trace setting in the process scheduler configuration can be overridden by setting process-specific command line parameter overrides in the process definition.  This is often done to set other trace settings, it is also common to see these unintentionally left in place longer than necessary.  If trace is enabled in this way, the batch timings flags should also be set.
See PeopleBooks -> Development Tools -> Application Engine -> Enabling Application Engine Tracing
PeopleSoft Cobol programs can only write batching timings reports to file and not to the database.  This is controlled by a different parameter.
  • TraceSQL = 128: Enable Cobol statement timings report 
Recommendation: Enable Cobol statement timings report should be written to log file by setting TraceSQL=128 in all Process Scheduler domain configuration files.
This trace setting can also be overridden by setting process-specific command line parameter overrides in the process definition.  If trace is enabled in this manner, then it should always also set the batch timings flags.

PeopleSoft Performance Monitor

This provides information about the performance of the PIA including response times for the online transactions.  Metrics are stored in a separate monitoring PeopleSoft system to minimize the effect of measurement intrusion.  It optionally samples the state of each web server, application server and process scheduler collecting operating system and Tuxedo metrics.  It also has a PIA session trace capability.
The sampled data includes the number of busy application server processes and length of inbound Tuxedo service queues.  This data can be used to validate the sizing of the application servers.
Recommendation: Performance Monitor is complex to set up and the delivered analytics are limited.  Nonetheless, the information that can be obtained from the data collected can be worth the effort of configuration to address online configuration and performance issues.