From PeopleTools 8, many copies of each temporary working storage table are created. Application Engines that run on the Process Scheduler are allocated exclusive use of a particular copy of the table. This avoids the inter-process contention. They start by truncating each allocated table, which resets the high-water mark.
Some delivered processing uses batch programs that are run apparently synchronously from the PIA. On-line edit and post in Financials General Ledger is a common example. Up to PeopleTools 7, the application server would synchronously spawn a batch process and wait for it to complete. From PeopleTools 8 the process is submitted to the process scheduler, and the PIA polls the Scheduler tables waiting for the process to complete. However, Application Engine can be run within the component processor. In Financials General Ledger, this can be chosen by a setting an installation configuration option. The truly on-line method can perform better because you are no longer waiting for the process scheduler to pick up the process request. A separate process Application Engine is not spawned, but the Application Engine program is executed by the PSAPPSRV application server process. One of the limitations is that the Application Engine program cannot commit. Committing after steps or sections is suppressed, and the %TruncateTable macro generates a delete statement instead. Therefore, on-line temporary table instances are never truncated by any process and their high-water marks can be raised by processes that handle larger volumes of data. This can have impacts for subsequent processes with smaller data volumes but that still have to full-scan working storage tables up to their high water marks.
Truncating On-line Temporary Table Instances
The answer is to implement a periodic process that truncates working storage tables, but only doing so when the table is not currently being used by a process. Every on-line Application Engine program is allocated a temporary table instance number, it locks the corresponding row on the table PS_AEONLINEINST. If it is allocated to instance 1, it locks the row where CURTEMPINSTANCE is 1 and uses instance 1 of each temporary record that it needs.
Therefore the proposed truncate process must also lock the row on PS_AEONLINEINST that corresponds to each table that is to be truncated. The truncate must be done in an autonomous transaction so that the implicit commit does not release that lock. The lock can be released after the truncate completes. Thus, the truncate process waits for any online process to complete before truncating a table with the same instance number, and no process can start while the truncate process is holding the lock. However, each truncate will be very quick, and so each lock will only be held briefly, and it will have only a minimal effect on any online process that may be running at the time.
I have written a PL/SQL packaged procedure (to perform this process for all temporary records. It is available on Github as a part of my repository of miscellaneous PeopleSoft scripts.
Package Usage
Usually, the package will be run without any parameters. The default behaviour will be to truncate tables with more than a single extent. Information on what the package does is emitted to the server output.Set serveroutput on
EXECUTE xx_onlineinsthwmreset.main;
The package can be run in test mode when it will list the commands without executing them. Thus you can see what it will do without actually doing it.EXECUTE xx_onlineinsthwmreset.main(p_testmode=>TRUE);
The package can optionally deallocate any physical storage. Storage will be reallocated next time the table is used.EXECUTE xx_onlineinsthwmreset.main(p_drop_storage=>TRUE, p_min_extents=>0);
The package can be run for certain tables that match a particular pattern.EXECUTE xx_onlineinsthwmreset.main(p_recname_like=>'JP%');
I recommend that the package is run daily. However, it can be run safely while the users are doing on-line edit/post processing, but it would be sensible to choose a quiet time.