Friday, October 04, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 4. How to Identify Candidate Processes for Cursor Sharing

This is the last in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

In this article, I look at a method to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.  Then it is necessary to test whether cursor sharing actually is beneficial.

My example is based on nVision reports in a PeopleSoft Financials system, but the technique can be applied to other processes and is not even limited to PeopleSoft.  nVision reports example because they vary from report to report, depending upon how they are written, and the nature of the reporting trees they use.  Some nVision reports benefit from cursor sharing, others it makes little difference, and for some it is detrimental.

As always Active Session History (ASH) is your friend.  First, you need to know which ASH data relates to which process, so you need to enable PeopleSoft instrumentation (see Effective PeopleSoft Performance Monitoring), and install my psftapi package and trigger to enable instrumentation of Cobol, nVision and SQR.

Candidates for Cursor Sharing

Use ASH for a given process to identify candidate processes by calculating the following measures.
  • Elapsed time of the process from the first to the last ASH sample.  This is not the elapsed duration of the client process, but it will be a reasonable approximation. Otherwise, you can get the exact duration from the process request record (PSPRCSRQST).
  • Total database time for a process (all ASH samples).
  • Total time that a process is restrained by the resource manager (where EVENT is 'resmgr: CPU quantum')
  • Total database time spent on CPU (where EVENT is null).
  • Total database time spent on SQL parse (where IN_PARSE flag is set to Y)
  • Number of distinct SQL IDs.
  • Number of distinct force matching signatures.
Look for processes with high elapsed time, of which a significant proportion is spent on both CPU and SQL parse.  This should correlate with processes where there are many more SQL IDs than force matching signatures.

Is Cursor Sharing Enabled Already?

It is possible to determine whether cursor sharing is already set for a process, although this is not explicitly recorded.  
  • If cursor sharing is not enabled then the number of distinct SQL_IDs should be greater than the number of distinct force-matching signatures. This may not be the case if you don't have enough ASH samples, but then the program probably doesn't consume enough time for it to be worth considering cursor sharing.
  • If the number of SQL_IDs is equal to the number of force matching signatures then cursor sharing is probably enabled, but again this could be unreliable if the number of ASH samples is low (and close to the number of SQL IDs).
  • It should be impossible for the number of distinct SQL IDs to be less than the number of distinct force matching signatures, but it can happen due to quirks in ASH sampling.
I have coded this into my queries.  It will be reasonably accurate if you have several ASH samples per SQL ID.  Otherwise, you may detect false positives.

Sample Queries and Output

I have written a couple of queries that I have published on GitHub.  They happen to be specific to nVision, but can easily be extended to other processes.
  • The first query calculates average values for each process/run control ID combination within the AWR retention period (high_parse_nvision_avg.sql)
Having implemented cursor sharing for a particular process it is necessary to watch it over time and decide whether the change has been effective. The metrics shown below come from a real system (although actual run control IDs have been changed).  
  • All the timings for NVS_RPTBOOK_1 have come down significantly. The number of SQL_IDs has dropped from 238 to 11.  The number of force matching signatures has also dropped, but that is because we have fewer ASH samples and some statements are no longer sampled at all.  Cursor sharing is beneficial and can be retained.
  • However, this is not the case for the second process. Although NVS_RPTBOOK_2 looked like a good candidate for cursor sharing, and the parse time has indeed come down, all the other durations have gone up.  The cursor sharing setting will have to be removed for this report.
                                            Cursor           Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev    Avg StdDev   Avg
                                    Cursor  Sharing   Num   Elap   Elap    ASH    ASH ResMgr ResMgr  Parse  Parse    CPU    CPU   SQL  Avg
OPRID      RUNCNTLID                Sharing Setting Procs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   IDs  FMS
---------- ------------------------ ------- ------- ----- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----
NVISION    NVS_RPTBOOK_1            EXACT   FORCE      33   3691   1062   2687   1071    741    702   2232    932   1791    479   238   16
                                    FORCE   FORCE      13   1623    377    664    394    357    373     43     19    353     85    11   12
           NVS_RPTBOOK_2            EXACT   EXACT      39   3696   1435   3316   1431   1038    927   1026    661   2042    611   137   27
                                    FORCE   EXACT       7   4028   2508   3676   2490   1333   1563     17     12   2275    939    19   19

It is always worth looking at individual process executions.  

We can see that cursor sharing was introduced on 31st July.  Even though there is a lot of variance in runtimes due to variances in data volumes and other system activities, it is clear that cursor sharing is beneficial for this process.

                              Process R                                              Elap    ASH ResMgr  Parse    CPU   SQL        ASH Sharing Cursor  Parse   S:F
OPRID      RUNCNTLID         Instance S  MIN_SAMPLE_TIME      MAX_SAMPLE_TIME        Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   Secs   IDs  FMS  Samp Setting Sharing     % Ratio
---------- ---------------- --------- -- -------------------- -------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ---- ----- ------- ------- ----- -----
NVISION    NVS_RPTBOOK_1     12447036 9  21.07.2024 21.03.25  21.07.2024 21.47.02    2645   1543    174   1297   1277   145   17   150 FORCE   EXACT      84   8.5
                             12452568 9  22.07.2024 21.02.04  22.07.2024 21.41.03    2373   1413    123   1188   1250   133   13   138 FORCE   EXACT      84  10.2
                             12458455 9  23.07.2024 21.07.15  23.07.2024 21.52.25    2759   1587     51   1372   1423   152   14   155 FORCE   EXACT      86  10.9
                             12465042 9  24.07.2024 20.58.08  24.07.2024 21.50.19    3154   2100    369   1782   1557   201   18   205 FORCE   EXACT      85  11.2
                             12471732 9  25.07.2024 21.25.34  25.07.2024 22.46.32    4885   3861   1946   3318   1843   333   14   377 FORCE   EXACT      86  23.8
                             12477118 9  26.07.2024 22.41.07  26.07.2024 23.26.07    2730   1791    113   1526   1586   173   14   174 FORCE   EXACT      85  12.4
                             12479163 9  27.07.2024 23.13.40  28.07.2024 00.01.23    2917   1688    161   1513   1260   156   14   164 FORCE   EXACT      90  11.1
                             12480710 9  28.07.2024 21.47.44  28.07.2024 22.29.08    2529   1586    205   1320   1238   149   12   154 FORCE   EXACT      83  12.4
                             12487744 9  29.07.2024 21.47.44  29.07.2024 22.51.05    3834   2815    797   2292   1843   248   16   273 FORCE   EXACT      81  15.5
                             12495417 9  30.07.2024 22.57.13  30.07.2024 23.46.48    3015   2084    307   1869   1592   200   15   203 FORCE   EXACT      90  13.3
                             12501446 9  31.07.2024 21.27.51  31.07.2024 21.51.18    1478    461     72     31    389    10   11    45 FORCE   FORCE       7   0.9
                             12507769 9  01.08.2024 21.44.01  01.08.2024 22.05.56    1387    357    100     21    246     7    8    34 FORCE   FORCE       6   0.9
                             12513527 9  02.08.2024 21.02.27  02.08.2024 21.27.47    1538    635    236     31    400    11   12    62 FORCE   FORCE       5   0.9
                             12515368 9  03.08.2024 22.12.50  03.08.2024 22.40.03    1682    686    143     51    532     9   10    67 FORCE   FORCE       7   0.9
                             12516959 9  04.08.2024 21.38.01  04.08.2024 21.57.00    1263    266            51    266     8    9    26 FORCE   FORCE      19   0.9
                             12522863 9  05.08.2024 21.14.36  05.08.2024 21.48.40    2082   1167    727     51    430    14   13   114 FORCE   EXACT       4   1.1
                             12529263 9  06.08.2024 21.02.59  06.08.2024 21.39.47    2223   1300    900     51    389    12   13   126 FORCE   FORCE       4   0.9
                             12535782 9  07.08.2024 21.08.23  07.08.2024 21.37.48    1774    974    585     52    379    12   13    94 FORCE   FORCE       5   0.9
                             12541727 9  08.08.2024 21.07.43  08.08.2024 21.40.54    2014   1085    809     51    276    16   17   106 FORCE   FORCE       5   0.9
                             12547232 9  09.08.2024 21.27.28  09.08.2024 21.47.08    1213    236            31    236     8    9    23 FORCE   FORCE      13   0.9
Note that on 5th August the report erroneously claims that cursor sharing went back to EXACT.  This is because there are more SQL_IDs than force matching signatures.  Again, this is a quirk of ASH sampling. 

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