Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Cursor Sharing in Scheduled Processes: 3. How to Set Initialisation Parameters for Specific Scheduled Processes

This is the third in a series of 4 posts about the selective use of cursor sharing in scheduled processes in PeopleSoft.

  1. Introduction
  2. What happens during SQL Parse?  What is a 'hard' parse?  What is a 'soft' parse?  The additional overhead of a hard parse.
  3. How to set CURSOR_SHARING for specific scheduled processes
  4. How to identify candidate processes for cursor sharing.

Cursor Sharing

If you cannot remove the literal values in the application SQL code, then another option is to enable cursor sharing and have Oracle do it.  Literals are converted to bind variables before the SQL is parsed; thus, statements that only differ in the literal values can be treated as the same statement.  If the statement is still in the shared pool, it is not fully reparsed and uses the same execution plan.

Oracle cautions against using cursor sharing as a long-term fix: "The best practice is to write sharable SQL and use the default of EXACT for CURSOR_SHARING… FORCE is not meant to be a permanent development solution."

I realise that I am now about to suggest doing exactly that, but only for specific processes, and never for the whole database.  Over the years, I have tested enabling cursor sharing at database level a few times and have never had a good experience.  

However, enabling cursor sharing in a few carefully selected processes can be beneficial.  It can save some of the time spent in the database on hard parse, but will have no effect on the time that PeopleSoft processes spend generating the SQL.

Session Settings for Processes Executed on the Process Scheduler 

It is straightforward to set a session setting for a specific process run on the PeopleSoft process scheduler.   The first thing a process does is to set the status of its own request record to 7, indicating that it is processing. A database trigger can be created on this transition that will then be executed in the session of the process.  
I initially used this technique to set other session settings for nVision reports.  I used a table to hold a list of the settings, and the trigger matches this metadata to the processes being run by up to 4 attributes: process type, process name, operation and run control.
It is usual to set up different run controls to run different instances of the same code on different sets of data.  I sometimes see certain run controls set up to regularly run certain nVision or other reports.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sysadm.set_prcs_sess_parm
BEFORE UPDATE OF runstatus ON sysadm.psprcsrqst
FOLLOWS sysadm.psftapi_store_prcsinstance 
WHEN (new.runstatus = 7 AND old.runstatus != 7 AND new.prcstype != 'PSJob')
  l_cmd VARCHAR2(100 CHAR);
  FOR i IN (
    WITH x as (
      SELECT p.*
      ,      row_number() over (partition by param_name 
             order by NULLIF(prcstype, ' ') nulls last, NULLIF(prcsname, ' ') nulls last, 
                      NULLIF(oprid   , ' ') nulls last, NULLIF(runcntlid,' ') nulls last) priority
      FROM   sysadm.PS_PRCS_SESS_PARM p
      WHERE  (p.prcstype  = :new.prcstype  OR p.prcstype  = ' ')
      AND    (p.prcsname  = :new.prcsname  OR p.prcsname  = ' ')
      AND    (p.oprid     = :new.oprid     OR p.oprid     = ' ')
      AND    (p.runcntlid = :new.runcntlid OR p.runcntlid = ' ')) 
    SELECT * FROM x WHERE priority = 1 
  ) LOOP
    IF NULLIF(i.parmvalue,' ') IS NOT NULL THEN
      l_cmd := 'ALTER SESSION '||i.keyword||' '||l_delim||i.param_name||l_delim||l_op||i.parmvalue;
    END IF;
The first delivered program that was a candidate for cursor sharing was GLPOCONS (GL Consolidations process).  It is only necessary is to insert the corresponding metadata, and it will apply the next time the process starts.  Anything you can set with an ALTER SESSION command can be put in the metadata.  
At times, other settings have been defined, hence in this example the insert statement is written in this way, and you can also see that in-memory query has been disabled for the same process. 
INSERT INTO sysadm.ps_prcs_sess_parm (prcstype, prcsname, oprid, runcntlid, keyword, param_name, parmvalue)
with x as (
          select 'inmemory_query' param_name, 'SET' keyword, 'DISABLE' parmvalue from dual --Disable inmemory 
union all select 'cursor_sharing'           , 'SET' keyword, 'FORCE'             from dual --to mitigate excessive parse
), y as (
  select prcstype, prcsname, ' ' oprid, ' ' runcntlid
  from	 ps_prcsdefn
  where  prcsname IN('GLPOCONS')
select  y.prcstype, y.prcsname, y.oprid, y.runcntlid, x.keyword, x.param_name, x.parmvalue
from    x,y

Stand-alone Application Engine (PSAE) -v- Application Engine Server PSAESRV

In PeopleTools 8.4, the Process Scheduler became a fully-fledged Tuxedo domain and the Application Engine server process PSAESRV was also introduced.  Stand-alone Application Engine executable psae is still available, but the Tuxedo server process is configured by default.  The Tuxedo server process is a persistent process that creates a persistent database connection that may service many different Application Engine programs during its lifetime.  If you make session settings during the execution of one Application Engine program, they will still be set when the same server process executes the next program. Generally, you don't want session settings bleeding from one process request to another.  Instead, any setting made at the start of the process would have to be reverted to the previous value at the end.  That is not necessarily the same as resetting it back to the default.
This is, therefore, another reason why it is preferable to revert to using the legacy stand-alone Application Engine process (psae) that creates a new database session for each request.
The set_prcs_sess_parm  trigger does not save or reset the previous value for settings it makes. Therefore, it should NOT be used in conjunction with PSAESRV.

Cursor Sharing Application Engine Programs Spawned Directly by COBOL Programs

In PeopleSoft, some COBOL programs directly spawn stand-alone Application Engine processes.  These processes do not update the status on the process request record, so the set_prcs_sess_parm trigger described above does not fire.  
A different data change must be found upon which to place a trigger.  It may be different for different processes.  In Financials, GL_JEDIT2 is such a process, and it is a good candidate for cursor sharing.  
I chose to create a hard-coded compound trigger on the insert into the journal line table (PS_JRNL_LN).  
  • See gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2_trigger.sql
  • This update is specific to this process, so the trigger is simply hard-coded. It does not use any metadata.
  • The after row part of the trigger copies the process instance number from the JRNL_LN rows being inserted into a local variable. This is deliberately minimal so that overhead on the insert is minimal
  • The after statement part of the trigger cannot be directly read from the table that was updated.  Instead, it checks that the process instance number, that was captured during the after row section and stored in the local variable, is for an instance of FSPCCURR or GLPOCONS that is currently processing (PSPRCSRQST.RUNSTATUS = '7').  If so it sets CURSOR_SHARING to FORCE at session level.  
  • The ALTER SESSION command is Data Dictionary Language (DDL).  In PL/SQL this must be executed as dynamic code.
  • The FSPCCURR and GLPOCONS COBOL processes may each spawn GL_JEDIT2 many times. Each runs as a separate stand-alone PSAE process that makes a new connection to the database, runs and then disconnects.  Cursor sharing is enabled separately for each.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2
FOR UPDATE OF process_instance ON ps_jrnl_ln
WHEN (new.process_instance != 0 and old.process_instance = 0)
  l_process_instance INTEGER;
  l_runcntlid VARCHAR2(30);
  l_module VARCHAR2(64);
  l_action VARCHAR2(64);
  l_prcsname VARCHAR2(12);
  l_cursor_sharing CONSTANT VARCHAR2(64) := 'ALTER SESSION SET cursor_sharing=FORCE';

    l_process_instance := :new.process_instance;
    IF l_process_instance != 0 THEN
      IF l_module like 'PSAE.GL_JEDIT2.%' THEN --check this session is instrumented as being GL_JEDIT2
        --check process instance being set is a running FSPCCURR process
        SELECT prcsname, runcntlid
        INTO l_prcsname, l_runcntlid
        FROM psprcsrqst
        WHERE prcsinstance = l_process_instance
        AND prcsname IN('FSPCCURR','GLPOCONS')
        AND runstatus = '7';
        l_module := regexp_substr(l_module,'PSAE\.GL_JEDIT2\.[0-9]+',1,1)
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_cursor_sharing;
      END IF;
    END IF;
      NULL; --cannot find running fspccurr/glpocons with this process instance number

END gfc_jrnl_ln_gl_jedit2;

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