
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Querying the PeopleSoft Message Log with SQL

It is easy to access the PeopleSoft message log in Process Monitor component, but it can be a little difficult to work with in SQL because it is stored in multiple tables.

This started when I wanted to generate a PeopleSoft log message as a single string of text, so I could investigate shared pool memory errors by searching for ORA-04031 errors.  Ultimately, the string 'ORA-04031' is stored in PS_MESSAGE_LOGPARM, but I wanted to see the whole error message.

  • Each process, has a request record on PSPRCSRQST, it can have many messages.
  • Each message is stored in the message log table PS_MESSAGE_LOG
  • The text of each message is stored in the message catalogue table PSMSGCATDEFN.  It can have up to 9 substitution strings (%1, %2, etc).
  • These correspond to up to 9 parameters stored on PS_MESSAGE_LOGPARM that are substituted into the message string.

I assemble the message text in a PL/SQL function exactly as PeopleTools programs do, substituting the variables in the message string from the message catalogue with the parameter values.  The PL/SQL function is put into the SQL query as a common table expression so that I don't have to create a function or package in the database.  The function returns the full message text in a CLOB, thus I can then easily manipulate the message string in SQL.

In this case, I wrote a SQL query to search for ORA-04031 (see psmsglogora4031.sql on Github), but the same PL/SQL function can be used in various queries.  

It can be slow to search the generated message string.  It can be faster to search PS_MESSAGE_LOGPARM directly. 

WITH FUNCTION psmsgtext(p_process_instance INTEGER, p_message_seq INTEGER) RETURN CLOB IS
  l_message_log ps_message_log%ROWTYPE;
  l_message_text CLOB;
  INTO   l_message_log
  FROM   ps_message_log 
  WHERE  process_instance = p_process_instance
  AND    message_seq = p_message_seq;

  SELECT message_text
  INTO   l_message_text
  FROM   psmsgcatdefn
  WHERE  message_set_nbr = l_message_log.message_set_nbr
  AND    message_nbr     = l_message_log.message_nbr;

  FOR i IN (
    SELECT *
    FROM   ps_message_logparm
    WHERE  process_instance = p_process_instance
    AND    message_seq = p_message_seq
    ORDER BY parm_seq
  ) LOOP
    l_message_text := REPLACE(l_message_text,'%'||i.parm_seq,i.message_parm);

  --and tidy up the unused replacements at the end
  RETURN REGEXP_REPLACE(l_message_text,'%[1-9]','');
x as (
select r.prcstype, r.prcsname, r.oprid, r.runcntlid
, l.*, psmsgtext(l.process_instance, l.message_seq) message_text
from ps_message_log l
LEFT OUTER JOIN psprcsrqst r ON r.prcsinstance = l.process_instance
select *
from x
ORDER BY dttm_stamp_sec
Now, I can easily produce a report of messages, like this:

Process              Process         Operator                             Process  Msg                                   Msg         Msg
Type                 Name            ID         Run Control              Instance  Seq JOBID           PROGRAM_NAME     Set#  Msg#   Sev DTTM_STAMP_SEC
-------------------- --------------- ---------- ---------------------- ---------- ---- --------------- --------------- ----- ----- ----- ----------------------------
nVision-ReportBook   RPTBOOK         VP1        NVS_XXXXXXX_99            1234567    1 PRCS SCHDL      psprschd           65    70     0 01/04/2023 20.37.21
Process Request shows status of 'INITIATED' or 'PROCESSING' but no longer running

nVision-ReportBook   RPTBOOK         VP1        NVS_XXXXXXX_99            1234567    2 PRCS SCHDL      psprschd           65    73     0 01/04/2023 20.37.23
PSNT1 failed to post files to the report repository.  Server scheduled to try again on 2023-04-01-  See log

1 comment:

  1. Thanks David - I got it to work with the where clause after select * from X, or am I missing something
