
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Automatically Identifying Stored Statements & Using DBMS_STATS in PeopleSoft Cobol

It is not possible to reference a long column in a Oracle database trigger, but it is possible to reference LOBs. From PeopleSoft v9 Applications, the long columns have become CLOBs. Hence, it is now possible to have a database trigger fire on insert into the Stored Statement table and so automatically make certain changes to Stored Statements as they are loaded by Data Mover. Previously, these changes could be made by a PL/SQL script, but you had to remember to run in after any Stored Statements were reloaded. I have published a new script (gfc_stmtid_trigger.sql) on my website that creates two such database triggers.


In PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA (listing 11-23, page 280), I proposed a PL/SQL procedure to add identifying comments to stored statements (see blog entry: Identifying Application Engine Source Code), so that the statements can be identified in traces or Oracle Enterprise Manager.


PeopleSoft Cobol programs do not use the PeopleSoft DDL models that Application Engine users when it processes the %UPDATESTATS macro. In another blog posting, I showed how to change the stored statements to call the wrapper package, so that the program uses the Oracle supplied dbms_stats procedure instead of the depreciated ANALYZE command. This trigger automatically replaces the %UPDATESTATS macro in the stored statement with a call to the wrapper package.

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