
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Minimum Number of Application Server Processes

I have had two conversations recently about what happens if you have only a single PSAPPSRV process in a domain. One of which was on the DBA Forum.

Basically, you should always have at least two instances of any server process that has a non-zero recycle count.

It is rare to see only one PSAPPSRV process in Application Server domains that support the PIA, but customers who use the Integration Broker often have separate Application Server domains for the publication and subscription servers. These domains are often not heavily used, in which case they have been configured with just one of each server process.


The exceptions are
  • PSSAMSRV is only used by Windows clients in 3-tier mode (nVision and PS/Query)
  • PSMSGDSP, only a single process can be configured
  • PSAESRV, because in the Process Scheduler each PSAESRV has its own queue.
The problem occurs when the server process recycles. This occurs when the number of services handled reaches the recycle count. When the only remaining server process on a shared queue shuts down the queue is also deleted, and the advertised services are removed from the Tuxedo Bulletin Board. If a service requests arrives in the application server domain before the new server process has started, and updated the bulletin board with advertised processes, the Jolt handler (JSH) will determine that the service request is not advertised and will raise an error.

It is quite simple to demonstrate this in PeopleSoft. In my demo system, I set the recycle count on PSAPPSRV to just 10 and the minimum number of servers to 1.

; Settings for PSAPPSRV

; UBBGEN settings
Min Instances=1
Max Instances=2
Service Timeout=300

; Number of services after which PSAPPSRV will automatically restart.
; If the recycle count is set to zero, PSAPPSRV will never be recycled.
; The default value is 5000.
; Dynamic change allowed for Recycle Count
Recycle Count=10

It is not long until the PSAPPSRV process recycles, and you get this message in the application server log.

PSAPPSRV.2140 (10) [03/11/09 06:55:15 PTWEBSERVER@GO-FASTER-4](0) Recycling server after 10 services

You can also see in the shutdown message in the TUXLOG file.

The last line is the error message from the JSH process that cannot enqueue the service request because the Application Server is down. If you suspect that you have been getting this problem look for that error message.

065655.GO-FASTER-4!BBL.2444.1760.0: LIBTUX_CAT:541: WARN: Server APPSRV/1 terminated
065655.GO-FASTER-4!BBL.2444.1760.0: LIBTUX_CAT:550: WARN: Cleaning up restartable server APPSRV/1
065655.GO-FASTER-4!cleanupsrv.1756.1204.-2: 03-11-2009: Tuxedo Version 8.1, 32-bit
065655.GO-FASTER-4!cleanupsrv.1756.1204.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:542: ERROR: Cannot find service to which to forward request
065655.GO-FASTER-4!cleanupsrv.1756.1204.-2: server APPSRV/1: CMDTUX_CAT:551: INFO: server removed
065655.GO-FASTER-4!JSH.2192.4860.-2: JOLT_CAT:1043: "ERROR: tpcall() call failed, tperrno = 6"

Hence, you should always have at least two PSAPPSRVs process, so that queue is not removed, and the other server(s) can handle requests. Of course there is a small chance that two servers could recycle at the same time, but that is very unlikely.

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