
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Oracle Optimizer Statistics and Optimizer Dynamic Sampling with PeopleSoft Temporary Records

PeopleSoft Temporary Records are used for working storage during Application Engine programs. Typically, AE programs truncate and repopulate the tables before using them. PeopleSoft recognised the need to keep the statistics on these tables in line with the data that they contain, and so used the %UpdateStats macro in many places in delivered programs to update the statistics.

However, frequently gathering statistics on even small tables can become time consuming. Recently, I have been working on PeopleSoft Time and Labor. This makes heavy use of temporary records. In a single execution of TL_TIMEADMIN, several tables associated with temporary records are truncated, repopulated and analyzed many times. I discussed the problem with excessive use of truncate elsewhere giving rise to Local Write Wait.

Oracle also recognised this problem, and in version 9 of the database they introduced Optimizer Dynamic Sampling, where the database samples the data to generate statistics at statement parse time.

I am still testing, but on Oracle 10gR2 (version I have obtained improvements in performance and stability of T&L AE processes by:
  1. Deleting optimizer statistics on tables associated with temporary record in order to force the optimizer to sample at parse time
  2. Locking optimizer statistics to prevents the %UpdateStats macro from putting them back on. Tables with locked statistics are also omitted by GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS and GATHER_DATABASE_STATS (unless the force option is specified) and hence also by the delivered maintenance window job to refresh stale statistics.
  3. Implementing alternative DDL model that uses a PL/SQL packaged function to suppress the error when attempting to collect statistics on table whose statistics are locked (see %UpdateStats() -v- Optimizer Dynamic Sampling). This also addresses the the mix-up in the DDL models
  4. The final piece of the puzzle has been to set OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING to 4 at instance level. I certainly have had problems with this parameter set to the default of 2.
The dynamic sampling levels are described in the Performance Tuning Guide
  • Level 2: Apply dynamic sampling to all unanalyzed tables.
  • Level 3: As Level 2, plus all tables for which standard selectivity estimation used a guess for some predicate that is a potential dynamic sampling predicate.
  • Level 4: As Level 3, plus all tables that have single-table predicates that reference 2 or more columns.
So the next stage is to identify working storage records and their associated tables.
I started off looking for tables that had recently been analysed.

The following script identifies all instances of temporary tables associated with temporary records, and then deletes and locks the statistics. I started by restricting it to list of specific tables, but I think it would be perfectly reasonable to take this approach with all temporary records.

 FOR x IN (
  SELECT /*+LEADING(o i r v)*/ t.table_name, t.last_analyzed, t.num_rows
  ,      s.stattype_locked
  FROM pstemptblcntvw i
    INNER JOIN psrecdefn r
    ON r.recname = i.recname
    AND r.rectype = '7'
  , psoptions o
  , user_tables t
     LEFT OUTER JOIN user_tab_statistics s
     ON  s.table_name = t.table_name
     AND s.partition_name IS NULL
  , (SELECT rownum row_number
     FROM   psrecdefn 
     WHERE  ROWNUM <= 100) v                 
  WHERE  v.row_number <= i.temptblinstances + o.temptblinstances
  AND    t.table_name = DECODE(r.sqltablename,' ','PS_'||r.recname,r.sqltablename)
--AND    r.recname IN('TL_PMTCH1_TMP' --TL_TA000600.SLCTPNCH.STATS1.S…
--                   ,'TL_PMTCH2_TMP' --TL_TA000600.CALC_DUR.STATS1.S…)
  AND   (/*  t.num_rows        IS NOT NULL --not analyzed 
        OR   t.last_analyzed   IS NOT NULL --not analyzed
        OR*/ s.stattype_locked IS     NULL --stats not locked
  IF x.last_analyzed IS NOT NULL THEN --delete stats
   dbms_output.put_line('Deleting Statistics on '||user||'.'||x.table_name);
  IF x.stattype_locked IS NULL THEN --lock stats
   dbms_output.put_line('Locking Statistics on '||user||'.'||x.table_name); 

Updated 11.2.2009: I have updated my advice on the use of Optimiser Dynamic Sampling (see %UpdateStats -v- Optimizer Dynamic Sampling. I still consider this to be a useful feature, but I have found scenarios where Oracle has not chosen a better plan that it did choose with explicitly gathered statistics. Therefore, I still suggest locking statistics on temporary working storage record, but where batch programs have been coded to explicitly update statistics then dbms_stats should be called with the force option to override the lock. I have updated my
DDL model wrapper script accordingly.

The scripts in this posting can be downloaded from my website


  1. This is very interesting and more straightforward approach. We have a PL/SQL package that will generate a set of triggers, sequence, and debug table to capture data in autonomous transactions. We then move the data from the debug table back to the temporary table to generate Oracle statistics. From there we can import and export statistics to other databases as needed. This is more time intensive and your idea would save quite a bit of time.

  2. David, do you recommend the 4 steps above as the best solution for also? We have just implemented peoplesoft financials 8.9 and have started having issues related to temp table stats (fs_bp, fs_jgen, fs_gledit) and I'm going to implement your suggestions if they apply to also.
